Well now, it seems I've stumbled into a collection of folks with a like mind to my own! Not sure if that's good...for you all...
OK, the details:
I used to do this...
Which lead to organizing this... The Nova Scotia Jeep Club SWAT Team. The Severe Weather Assistance Team is still going strong almost 6 years later, delivering doctors and nurses to the local hospitals back home when the weather turns nasty.
more info about the community support program)
Now...? Well, I've downsized. Despite having a new Tacoma in the driveway which may become more trail worthy over time, my current focus in on my Losi Mini Crawler and the newest mini-moster, the Losi Micro Crawler I picked up this evening - charging now. In fact, while watching the Dakar, I was inspired to begin looking for a Kamaz body to mount on this little hustler. Not having any luck in that quest, but hey, its a hobby and the hunt is all part of the enjoyment.
Today began a fresh quest - collecting the bits needed to build my own, indoor rock crawling course. I'm after something small, portable and easily maintained. Not sure of the final form factor yet, but the ideas are swirling (lightweight, sturdy, durable, somewhat realistic, easily sourced, low-ish cost, etc.).

I ordered some scale rock sections on Amazon, and a couple small fake boulders from Home Depot - we'll see how this evolves. :wink:
Which is what lead me to join here, in hopes of being able to learn from others who may have already been down this path already.
Oh yeah, my name is Duane.