Norcallump, his son, another buddy, and I went to the Butte county scalers present "SCALEFEST"@Baldrock! What a great time, thanks to Rastaman, Todd and Rob for putting on a great crawl as usual, there were three courses with 100 gates each!
BigBill, you should have come out and were correct, what a great time and place!
Big yearly spring event at BALDROCK in berry creek California..April 9 and 10th, we will have a bbq and night run with a early bird show and shine on Saturday. And Sunday will be our regular monthly comp with a show and shine and raffle then the comp following right after..
We will be showing up on saturday around 4:20. Bbq will get fired up around 5:30-7:30 and then the show and shine with the night run starting around 8pm
Sunday signup a start at 10am. Show and shine starts at 10:45 with the raffle and first teams to hit the trail Will be at 11am..!
Butte County and Northern California is Ascender country, everytime I go up there for for a gtg or comp, there are peeps crawling with Ascenders it! "thumbsup"
They had a great raffle with an RTR Bronco Ascender, beadlocks, hand-made tow straps with laser cut steel hooks, lots of SBC (Scale By Chris) 3d printed scale items, Mountain Mike's Pizza free large pizza, hydration backpack with bladder, Butte County Scalers T-shirts, and a bunch of other stuff. I bought some raffle tickets and won a sweet set of SBC scale items (milk crate, gas can, first aid kit, and Optima battery) I was too busy admiring my winnings and didn't get in the group pic with all the raffle winners.

Here's the sweet recovery rope wrapped around my front bumper (pulled the hook out for display, otherwise it tucks in neatly behind the push bar) works great. I detailed my grill more with some silver/aluminum color paint around the headlights and in the middle grill cross piece. I used Testors water-based acrylic for the first time and put it straight on the chrome, it didn't come out as well as I would have liked, any suggestions?
It was a beautiful cool, cloudy, overcast day with occasional rain it! Just not ideal for tires grip, and the course was quite challenging and I had to get a little bump or tow strap in a couple places. Overall my Ascender worked great, 2-speed and/or 3S would have helped in a couple spots for a little more wheel speed. KLR 1.9 blue compound and 1.9 Pitbull Rockbeasts were working a little better on the wet rocks, many spots had wet/damp sand and dirt on the rocks or you had to go through some water and then dirt just before the granite climb.
I'm still sorting through tons of pics, here's some.