WOW!! $96.40.......Are they really worth it?
That's a decision you'll have to make for yourself. After seeing a set Brad had on his 2.2 I had to get some for myself.
Also, what kind of belly clearance you got with that set-up. It looks really low. Mine is sitting right at 2 3/4" and yours looks lower.
Mine is pretty low, I'll get it out at the shop tomorrow and snap some more pics and get some measurments.
DX3R - is the third channel switch a stationary or a momentary switch?
3rd channel switch is stationary, meaning you push it one way and it will stay there until you pull it back, even if you let go. This works really well for running the R2D. Some people like their rear steer like that, some don't.
Man that thing looks sharp!"thumbsup" Thanks for the itemization, it'll help me with some research I'm doing for my Comp Scorpion. I'm really diggin the Grappler Body and I've got to get the DX3R. Great work!
Hope it helps, it took me a few hours to itemize all the parts with links, but I thought it'd be helpful for people.
The 3rd channel switch does return to center everytime you hit it, just like the DX3.
Incorrect, when you let go it does not return to center, until you hit it the other way and bring it back to center
Jason had it set-up so when you hit the 3rd channel switch once, the R2D goes into front wheel drive with neutral at the rear axle. Then, you hit it again in the same direction to lock the rear wheels. Back the other way once for neutral again, then again for 4wd. I drove it briefly last night and it works great. "thumbsup"
Correct mine is setup so when you push the thumb button foward it's 4 wheel drive, 1 click back is rear free wheel, another click back locks the rear totally, hit the button 2 clicks foward from there and you're back in 4wd.
Jason- Did you modify your stub axles for more steering?
I did chuck the stubs up in the lathe and trim them down a little, but I don't think it gained much if anything. I'll have to compare it to my other Axail rig.
I am hoping that I can be competitive with out shelling out so much is for
Ohh, don't get me wrong, a very competitive rig can be built for much less, heck I'll bet my 2007 comp rig was half the price of this one if not more. I just went this route because I wanted the best of everything on this rig. i also don't have a ton of time to design and build my own stuff so I just bought everything.
Brad, so you don't have to hold the switch for it to stay in 4wd or in lock? Thats the way I read it.
No, you never have to hold the switch, hit it once or twice to get in the position you want and it'll stay until you tell it to do something different.
awesome lookin rig jason, super clean built rig. what kinda camera did you use for these?
Thank you, I shot all the pics with my Canon Digital Rebel XT. We've had really good luck with this camera, and I love it. It's actually a smoking deal right now, I think the last time I checked it was selling for less than half of what I paid a few years ago.