*5 gram brushless out runner motor (high starting torque and unlimited upper torque)
*6 channel 2 gram sub micro dsm2 receiver
*4 gram metal gear digital servos for 4ws
*3.8 gram digital servo for rear dig
*modded DP torsion chassis (lowered upper torsion bars .300")
*weighted tires 30 grams of lead in each front and 20 grams in the rear
*carbon fiber high steer front and back (trex 250 ball link ends & 2mm rod)
*rear dig (engaged turns a 8" or less diameter)
*4 wheel steering (turns a 12" diameter now)
*stock shock mounts removed
*stock upper 4 link mounts and servo holder removed
*king pinned spindles (removed factory spindle studs and installed king pins for more axil clearence)
*bent lower 4 links that rotate at upper end (no more 4 link bind 170' flex)
*torsion upper links (highly modded DP chassis mounted directly to axil)
*micro 4 gram 6 amp brushless speed control decased and integrated to receiver
*trimmed down motor mount and plate
*bottom axil bolts and bosses removed (more axil clearence)
*stearing savers removed (not needed on a micro)
*integrated speed control and receiver together (no wires save alot of weight and size)
*hard wired all wires into receiver and speed control boards
*stuffed receiver beside transfer case (makes clean setup and keeps the weight low)