Quarry Creeper
comp rig vs. something like a slickrock........doesn't it going kind of hand in hand?
if you're out messing around on trails and what not, you'd want a rig that can crawl, climb, etc. and not flip or roll over. which i equate to a rig that's set up vs. something that's not, ie a slickrock in this case?
keep in mind, i don't know the first thing about comps though! :lmao:
A comp rig and a trail rig can be fairly similar. Just minor differences really. Most people wont be taking a nicely built comp rig trailing though lol.
They share alot of aspects the same. Obviously no matter what your doing you want a rig thats set up well to do it. My comp rig now is strictly inside use or dry use only. None of the electronics are waterproof, and its just not designed overall to get nasty dirty and wet.
However, the slickrock, has a bit better ground clearance for trails, waterproof electronics, and I will thoroughly enjoy taking it in the mud lol.
Trail running takes a toll on rigs. They can take alot of abuse. Comp rigs aren't always made to take that abuse.
So there are alot of similarities, but there are some differences in the two types of crawling.