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Los Angeles! Ca guys

Placerita canyon tomorrow 1000ish
Recon mission
Take the placerita exit off the 14 or Google placerita canyon nature center

Is anybody going to be able to film or take pix tomorrow for rcc.
To rep for the scv"thumbsup"
Second exit. The first is new hall ave, second is Placerita. Make a right and head back in the canyon until you hit a nature center in your right.

Yeah about 15 min closer.
I think it's the 1st Santa Clarita exit
Good turn out at Placerita today. Five guys (I think) and two little ones.

Trails there are pretty crueling. Some fool had an old Tamiya that was almost keeping up with those sweet axials :mrgreen:

See you guys next time with my newly aquired scx10 or if I get my xr10 done.

Also Havic, if it was you who brought your son, thank you gave my son someone to play with.
Let me know next time if your boy is going out or not. Just send me a pm actually.

Thanks to all who came out and next time for the ones who couldn't.
For a recon mission I would say it was a success. I would go back with a group and there was still more to explore. The shade was nice after the sun broke and the terrain was fun and challenging as well. the 1.9s did ok and the wraiths dominated..............as usual:flipoff:
M not going to lie all the hiking up and down wore me out, in bed rt now.
Nap time then back to work on the big truck

See y'all in two weeks!!!
I had a blast. Nice meeting everyone. The tamiya was in a league of its own. Bad ass rig. My 1.9 jk even handled some koh style driving down some steps (without flipping too). Aside from a stripped 4 link end, the day was awesome. Let's plan the run for next weekend if you guys can make it out. I'll shoot some info on the place soon. I'll post the pictures soon as well. "thumbsup"
Fakejk's jeep


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