Finally got a chance to take this thing out for a spin! To be completely honest, I've got mixed feelings about it. I'm not sure whether to say that it doesn't live up to the hype that I've seen, or that it just wasn't what I expected it to be. Don't get me wrong, I really like the truck and it crawls great, there's just a few things that leave a good bit of room for improvement. I'm not sure if it's the motor, ESC, low gearing, or a mix, but this thing doesn't like to crawl slowly at all. It feels more like a bouncer in that regard, especially with the shocks, which feel fairly stiff and seem to limit travel a decent bit. However, I will say that the presentation of this truck is amazing, as well as the quality of the hardware and plastics. The tires perform very well too. I'm very excited to start messing with this thing and see what it's capable of, although I plan to leave it mostly stock for the first few proper trail runs. Won't stop me from adding some scale accessories though! Lol. Oh also, the battery. I picked up an adapter and threw it on, works great. The battery is a bit of a snug fit, but it fits just as well as it does in the Capra. I think it's safe to say that any battery you can get into a Capra is one that'll fit into an Optic (potentially vice versa, but I'm not sure as the Capra tray is much narrower height-wise).