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KCRC - Kansas City Remote Crawlers -

Last time I checked (a couple years ago) AE still makes this body and it was like $12.
Diggin' the 3 piece rims on the RC10. Still got my old gold tub as well.
Someday I'll pick up a new championship version body for it.
Maybe Jerry will let me borrow his, and I can vacuum form some new ones...?

Hey K'Neal, you still got that Frog?
Gotta love the vintage stuff, any body else got some?
I had an original Ultima but it was decked out with a graphite chassis and a few other goodies. You ever dig those out be sure and post some pics. Ive still got my JRX2, it was the original version with a 5 link rear suspension. Unfortunately Ive lost all of the 5 link parts and a few other pieces over the years and numerous moves. I bought a Kyosho Turbo Optima that turned out to be a basket case a couple years ago. Parts for it are just insanely priced so repairs have yet to be made.
Not that vintage, but I've got an Ultima II, and an original RC-10T somewhere. The Ultima still has the old rotary speed control. 8) I might have to dig it out and get her going again when I get home.

I wish I still had all the ones I've got rid of or lost over the years.

Got a body, original tires and a good front body post?
I have enough parts to build 2 black foots never got them put together.
If Vintage means you can't find parts anywhere for it I guess you could count my RS4 Rally that I've been flogging the hell out of while I'm waiting on my Wraith to show up.
I have a Losi LXT which is the 1st true stadium truck they made. They had the jrxT which was a buggy with longer arms. Then the LXT. Has rpm arms on it from when those guys started business.Wonder if they'd honor the warranty if I broke one. Still has my old Lightspeed 12 double motor and a 16 triple spare armature for it.
Riv, I'm gonna check, no guarentees, but I may have some links.....
I thought this would be a cool scaler.


Kcrc comp 2/8 - 7/23

(Jeff's place)
crawling starts @ 10.00 am "sharp"
going to be another "HOT" day & we need to start ON TIME
bring plenty to drink !!

all classes will run.
Scale Class
running there own,
one-20 gate
"scale course" this time !!

hope to see everyone there.

BC creek, is that the blueridge cut off site?

OH wait, jeff place, that the north of river, off 169?
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2.2 tires?

Anyone have any 2.2 tires they want to get rid of? Looking for some to put on my spare truck to sell. Doesn't have to be anything good at all, just able to make it roll "thumbsup"
Man i hope my new driveshafts get here in time... Im about to drop dead in excitement. I might not be able to compete, but i would love to atleast run it and get some pointers from the pros.
:twisted: ..... 20 gate scaler course, NICE! Anyone up for alittle course recon this week?

(Jeff's place)
crawling starts @ 10.00 am "sharp"
going to be another "HOT" day & we need to start ON TIME
bring plenty to drink !!

all classes will run.
Scale Class
running there own,
one-20 gate
"scale course" this time !!

hope to see everyone there.



BC creek, is that the blueridge cut off site?

OH wait, jeff place, that the north of river, off 169?
Correct...off 169 at 64th street. Shoot me a PM if you need a map.

Anyone have any 2.2 tires they want to get rid of? Looking for some to put on my spare truck to sell. Doesn't have to be anything good at all, just able to make it roll "thumbsup"
Believe I have a set of Hammers and foams sitting in a box.
Guessing you will be the only one with a rule book in your pocket if it does......if it was up to this indian, then run what ya brung. But better check in with the chief.
So does it matter if our scaler is 2.2 or 1.9

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If possible could i get someone to check my crawler out and make sure it falls within the class guide lines? Even if doesnt i was just curious, ill probaly still run it around and have fun with it.