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Just got the new-ish desktop set up


I wanna be Dave
May 6, 2008
I've been desperately needing something a lot newer for my computer needs but it became an absolute necessity when I started the CAD courses in September. I needed to be able to run the student versions of the software. My 12 year old Toshiba Satellite just wasn't up to the task. As I began to shop around it became apparent that a brand new system, desk top or laptop, was going to be more $$ than I could afford so I started looking at alternative ideas.

While in the CADD Lab one day, I took note of what the school uses for a PC. It actually wasn't a PC, it was a HP work station. The Z400 model. I did a bit of checking around and saw that brand new they were around $5K !! :shock:

I decided to see what could be found on the used market. I stumbled across a place that re-furbishes lease turn in's. ( Who knew that computers could be leased??) He happened to have a few Z400's that had the specs I needed, so a quick haggle back and forth and it was on it's way to me for $435.

I went to a new computer store in the area called Micro Center. Tons of goodies to build your own 'puters as well as brand new ones. I did a bit of shopping and used their demo computer to check reviews on CNET to figure out what was worth spending the $$ on. In the end, I picked up a new HP Pavilion 22xi monitor, a wi-fi card for the tower and a HP wireless key board/mouse combo. All told, about $180. So I'm just a bit over $600 into a system that absolutely works well and will be able to run any software I throw at it. It came with windows 7 pro w/ the backup discs, a 1TB hard drive, a decent AMD graphics driver and 8GB of RAM. There's 2 empty slots on the board so there's plenty of room for expansion.

I'm pretty excited, I've never had anything like this before. I don't even care that the workstation was used, if you saw the case you would think it was brand new. The quad 4 Xeon processor is pretty quick, I've played a few HD videos while running back ground apps and it doesn't miss a beat.

Maybe my experience will turn someone else on to an affordable way to get more computer power that you will probably ever need!
Those were some wise decisions all the way.
The only thing that worries is the processor. I hope it was not overclocked by the previous owner.

What software are you learning?
last year I bought a new no name brand bare bones kit with 3.1 gig chip, win 7 64 bit, 4.0 gig ram and 500 gig HDD for 400 bucks minus monitor, keyboard and mouse....
What makes it a work station?

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 4

Also the case itself is usually extremely heavy duty. You could leave these in a shop and if something fell on it, likely nothing would be damaged unless the hit was hard enough to jar a spinning drive...

To OP where is the place you found to buy them?
Also the case itself is usually extremely heavy duty. You could leave these in a shop and if something fell on it, likely nothing would be damaged unless the hit was hard enough to jar a spinning drive...

But I was trying to say that those are not the specs of a current work station machine. I can readily get those specs in a laptop from Costco for 200 dollars more. I guess work station has changed meanings in the last 10-15 years
But I was trying to say that those are not the specs of a current work station machine. I can readily get those specs in a laptop from Costco for 200 dollars more. I guess work station has changed meanings in the last 10-15 years

No this is an older machine, that is why the specs are lower. Im running one at work with linux on it and the uptime is 98 days.

I guess what im trying to say is they are designed to be on all the time, and built to handle a rough, dirty enviroment. Hardware is top notch
Could have gone current off the shelf PC with a i7 quad core and slapped a AMD FireGL or nVidia Quadro/Tesla card in it and be done with it and been in better shape for the long run... and really unless you are doing some really large assemblies you get by with a high end desktop card for learning and working at home and still be able to play games on it. Cram as much RAM as you can in that thing as well. Get north of 100 unique parts in an assembly you wish you had the 16GB+ of RAM.

One thing that I will say, no matter the CAD program one of these makes life much easier 3Dconnexion : SpaceMouse Pro Have had some form of the Spacemouse on my desk for 15 years. Get highly annoyed when I have to use a station that doesn't have one LOL
Just called up 3dconnections Indian distributor called Best engineering aids and consultancy.....and I have to say this distributor is a pita. I called them and asked to speak to the sales representative and the lady stared bombarding me with questions.

1] What is your name?
2] Where are you calling from
3] Which company are you calling from ? (I purposely said Individual because if I say I run a company the prices shoot up and this I have experienced a lot of time)
4] What will be your use with the product?
5] Is it for personal use or for commercial use? WTF!!
6] I need you phone number and email ID
By this time I was getting pissed, because she had not yet given me any information if she was the sales person or not and any information related to that.

I said please transfer me to the sales team and I will talk to them. She insisted that I give her my contact number and email id. I told here I will speak to the sales team. She replied that she will talk with the sales team and contact me back with the price quotation ....WTF!!!


This is an example of how distributors try to mine out information about customers and then squeeze out more money from them. And this mostly happens with South Indians. I have been in business for some time and I have never ever been able to purchase anything from south India because of the as**ole-ness these people display.
I have played games with some of the south Indian distributors to see how they target customers and how much their price fluctuates. I used to call them up and tell them I represented a company and that I wanted to buy x product. So they quote me price. Then after couple days I used to ask my friend from south India to call up that distributor and ask price for the same product. The price used to fluctuate in the range of 46 to 40%!! And this has been a case with not only a single distributor but with many with whom I cross checked. Just because I am from the state Maharashtra, I am quoted a higher price when there are no considerable taxes between the individual states of South India and Maharashtra. They tend to think that because Maharashtra is an Industrial state and people are wealth here, they can squeeze money out of its people.

Any good product that is launched in the market by the developed countries, south Indians are the first to try to get into the distributorship network. People from the developed countries that give them distributorship do not know what As**oles south Indians are when they sell their products down the supply chain. 3Dconnection seems to be a well established company if they are having a distributor in India, but then why the F**k does a buyer here have to go through this irritating sly process of buying. The women on the phone spoke as if she was doing a favor selling the product to a potential customer. The slyness of business is what irritates me a lot. Distributors do not add value to the society!! Value is added to the society by the manufacturing industry. Then why the hell do these distributors have god like attitude!!

I might just write a mail to the director of the 3dconnection company. I think he is the only person who will care for his company and no south Indian who is happy printing money buy just selling products which are the outcome of someone else's hard work.
Guess there is no version of NewEgg for you in India?

Going through places like that sucks. I have to deal with it all the time getting software or special hardware for work. Going through a "business partner" to get a quote on something sucks, bunch of needless crap for simple question.
Guess there is no version of NewEgg for you in India?

Going through places like that sucks. I have to deal with it all the time getting software or special hardware for work. Going through a "business partner" to get a quote on something sucks, bunch of needless crap for simple question.

You know how irritating it gets, when for a simple thing like that they make you go round the bush.:roll:

Well, there are a lot of shops here that sell stuff like NewEgg but they are limited and not as big as NewEgg under one roof. I have hardly seen anyone selling a quality product that is manufactured in Europe or US. The issue should be with the investment that these small shops need to make in order to get into the supply chain. They all import stuff from china and unload that crap in every city here:x and that is one part, the other is that we have to pay heavy import duty if we want to purchase a better product from Europe or US.

To buy good products like 3dconnexion, the buyer here gets squeezed out. The main company does not know whats going on in the lower supply chain. They should emphasize more on putting strict restrictions on distributors because in one way they are representing the main company.

Then there are the a***ole politicians who are eager to fill their swiss bank accounts and create a mess for future generations.
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But I was trying to say that those are not the specs of a current work station machine. I can readily get those specs in a laptop from Costco for 200 dollars more. I guess work station has changed meanings in the last 10-15 years

Could have gone current off the shelf PC with a i7 quad core and slapped a AMD FireGL or nVidia Quadro/Tesla card in it and be done with it and been in better shape for the long run... and really unless you are doing some really large assemblies you get by with a high end desktop card for learning and working at home and still be able to play games on it. Cram as much RAM as you can in that thing as well. Get north of 100 unique parts in an assembly you wish you had the 16GB+ of RAM.

One thing that I will say, no matter the CAD program one of these makes life much easier 3Dconnexion : SpaceMouse Pro Have had some form of the Spacemouse on my desk for 15 years. Get highly annoyed when I have to use a station that doesn't have one LOL

I couldn't find any new laptop w/ an i7 chip and a video chip w/ dedicated RAM for under $1200. The specs on my work station are: 3.2G Hz Xeon quadcore CPU, 1T hard drive, RAM is currently at 8G, up-gradable to 24G. I got a mid level AMD graphics processor and Windows 7 Pro 64 bit with the tower. Not too bad for $435 shipped, in my opinion. I wasn't asking for "what I could/should have gotten" comments. I had a small budget. I think I did ok for the budget I had to work with. I only posted this to share ideas w/ others that might be in a similar situation.

I'm not into gaming, so I personally didn't care about that ability. Angry Birds is the only game I play, I have RC trucks to play with!


To OP where is the place you found to buy them?

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