Nice work! Now that I've got my printer, I hope I can start doing some more work on the details as well!
Thats good news! I look forward to seeing how you do with it, I know you've got a lot of builds you could apply it to.
Nice work! Now that I've got my printer, I hope I can start doing some more work on the details as well!
Hi, new guy here...I just bought the Trail King kit and the LC70 body. Will the interior fit without moving the battery? Also, I noticed that you uploaded a few things to thingiverse, do you plan to upload more? I'd really like to bob the bed and that jig would sure come in handy. If you're willing to sell the one you have I'd be willing to buy it....just to save time on my buddies printer. No worries if not of course, just thought I'd throw it out there.
Such an awesome build, I won't be going nearly as far as you with the finer details but I can sure appreciate them! Very nice work! And thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and I really appreciate you sharing your files on thingiverse.
HumboldtEF, do you see a way to fit a servo winch with the interior installed?
Amazing job Casey!
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Great build you are doing, enjoying re reading it again.
I know you have said you have given up worrying about the weight, but I was interested in how much it weights now, with where you are in your build.
That looks so cool! Weathering and oil spatter on the header is perfect. "thumbsup"
Great job on the exhaust! I like how you painted the mount black to hide the mounting!
Oh and Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one!
Wow great job on the exhaust is right! And that TS-48 color is awesome.
The LC is looking really good! I was looking at those flares last evening but really don’t want to wait a month to get them. Where did you get yours from?
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