I wanna be Dave
I feel incredibly dumber after reading FB crawling pages, not that I was working with much prior.
You'll like that servo. It feels a bit slower than my 2290's and about the same strength. I'll swap it into my sporty and really know for sure how it compares.
You have a knockoff. I want to know about the real thing.
How are you liking the setup?
Is that servo from here or China? Curious how you like it.
There is only speculation as to authenticity so far. If it's a knockoff it's the nicest knockoff I've ever seen
I heard from another pretty reliable source that they are the same...
I would suspect the same. Copy cats are lazy, they never go the extra mile.
And it usually takes them a while to reverse engineer the parts...
Very odd if they all hit the market at the same time and were different.
You going to have that masterpiece done by AZ?