What do you guys think about that new XBox that doesn't have a disk drive, just a 1tb HDD?
I don't have a current system and really only played games like Forza (racing sim and Horizon) on XBox and Gran Tourismo on my PS (pre PSOne or PS2) and haven't played any games in a few years, but wouldn't mind getting into the newer Forza games in an, at best, casual way.
Dumb. I like my physical games. If we keep this digital bullshit up there will be no retro game market in 30 years. All the license servers will be dead.
I thought about picking one up. But, then I thought will I play it? The answer was nope. I picked up Trials Rising but the game doesn't feel the same as the last 3. It feels like more of a chore to get levels than just riding and trying to get better. I loved all the other trials games (even thought Hard was my personal hell. lol) When I go into Rising I feel like I am forced to play their way and not what I want to do. I am level 47 and I want to play more just can't get past the way it feels like work when playing it. I am probably the minority when I play this one, but I just don't know. If I could get past the contract part and just level up while riding and doing better on a track I might play more. But when the AI bots just stomp you when you are trying to do a clean race it's kinda disheartening.
Sorry for being such a downer in my last couple posts. Just putting out my feelings on the games and consoles being asked about. If it is out of place I will try my best to tone it down. Also I am tired so that doesn't help.
I don't play the Switch all that often, but that's just because I love video games much, much less than I used to. I'm not sure why. It kinda bums me out and I miss video games as odd as that may sound.
I found Trials Rising to be easier, but I'm only in the 30s as far as my level goes.
I have one. Really just bought it for Zelda and Mariokart. Mariokart is a pretty good party game.
Zelda is a great game because it had many hours of play. It was pretty damn hard and annoying in the beginning but once I started getting storage slots and some more hearts it got a lot easier. Maybe some day I'll play through it again.
I need to see what new games are out there. I havent looked in a while.
Zelda is an amazing video game and it still looks great even with the diluted graphics due to the lack of power inside the Switch. I wish I had the attention span and desire to play more of it.