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Fricker08’s…. Now Twade984’s Vs4-10 Phoenix


RCC Addict
Subscribed Member
Mar 13, 2019
Well I’m a little late to the party but here we go! Nothing too exciting or different than the others on here but what the heck right?

I plan on building this thing stock except for the wheels n tires. Nothing against the stock tires, besides not being licensed and a tad narrow they work pretty good on the surface I run. But I’ve got a set of vanquish method 101 v2’s and some proline km3’s in predator I’ll be running to start.

Electronics will include Castle Mamba X with a 2850kv slate motor.
Holmes shv800 steering servo
2 Amazon low profile 120oz servos for shifting duties.
All setup on my dx5c with sr515

Enough chin wagging.. here’s some pics



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Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

It’s about time…

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the build, I think trying to wire everything up nice was the most difficult part.

Also, what are your plans for painting, particularly since it’s monsoon season?

Actually the weather shows 61 and only 20% chance of rain Sunday… I may break out the hair dryer and hope for the best.
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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Ha, if you are late then I must be playing hookie. Look forward to your thread. I will start one for mine at some point as well. First I want to build a good portion of it so I have something to post:ror:
Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix


Following along to see what you have planned for it!

Also, nice new workbench! I have the same one and it has been great! Sure beats the kitchen table!
Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Thanks guys, I’ve been slowly working on my space and the Phoenix. Got both of the axles built last night and then the chassis tonight. So far so good, only thing I’ve had an issue with is the rear axle brass tubes are loose. Not sure if I didn’t install them all the way, I’ll be going back in and checking. Not sure if I mentioned it previously but I’m also swapping to stainless where I can.
I’ll be tackling the transmission tomorrow






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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Lookin good fricker! My rear brass tubes went in loosely until the last lil bit. Then i had to press them in, about the depth of the outted bearing. Now my fronts never did hit the snug spot where they needed pressed in like the rears did. All in all, they went together great
Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Well I got the shocks built, only one shock collar gave me an issue but I found with some pressure pushing straight down while turning them 3/4 threaded on pretty easy. Decided to go with 50wt because that’s what I had handy. Got the links built and the axles mounted under the chassis.
I spaced about checking the rear brass tubes.. I’ll have to do that before finally assembly. Anyways, I’ve got a chassis finally. I’ll be tackling the transmission tomorrow.





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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

I’ve got to say, for all the moving parts this transmission was fun to put together. I stole the aluminum stand offs and motor plate from another vfd I had laying around. Unfortunately didn’t have any small m2 stainless for the trans but I may swap that out later.
I’ll be finishing up electronics and all the plastic trim tonight so I’ll find out if I have a noise but hoping not.



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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Nice progress! She's looking good!"thumbsup"
Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Hey thanks guys, I mounted up sliders and some other bits last night. I intend on making it a runner tonight but we will see. Got some cheap Amazon low profile servos for shifting duties that are not waterproof so I split the cases last night and added some dielectric grease hoping to keep some moisture out.

TB, that’s my next project… I’ve got some plans for that including quite a few parts hanging on my board. There will be some posts on that this weekend likely

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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

It’s coming together man [emoji1303]

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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

It’s coming together man [emoji1303]

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Thanks man, I got a spare tire mount coming. Picked up an extra if you want it.

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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Well I’ve got a running chassis, now I’m just waiting for a break in the weather to get some painting done. Also need to put some finishing touches on the wiring.
But I’ve got the dig and overdrive both working in 3 positions, esc tuned for now and everything spinning the right way. I failed to realize my shift servos are only rated for 6.0v and I’d hate to add a bec but I’ll likely have to for the steering servo that’s rated up to 8.5v.




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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

I’m in the same boat about the bec and waiting for those servos to show up lol, I wish my bench was as clean as yours

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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Thanks guys!
Yea dino, when I ordered those servos I had a Holmes Shv800 installed and it wouldn’t have mattered. But I have a project in the works that is going to benefit from that servo over this rig so I’ll likely be adding a bec. Good thing the wiring mess will be hidden but my ocd will know it’s under there.
Oh and don’t be fooled by my bench… it becomes a mess. But this setup is much nicer than the dining table I traded out. I try to clean up before I take pictures lol

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Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Lookin' good Fricker!"thumbsup"

I hear ya on the OCD!:lmao: Just knowing that there is a wire or two out of place under my bodies drives me insane!
Re: Fricker08’s Vs4-10 Phoenix

Well here we are, no where near what I wanted to do for paint and I rushed it so I’m glad most y’all will only see it in pictures and it’s going to get driven anyways. I will say the little door handles that hold the interior in drive me crazier than the shock collars.
Looking forward to driving this thing whenever that may be








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