Emo X is different to other Cross models.
This is 375mm wheelbase, stronger gears and things. V1 Came out 2022. V2 is coming soon.
Other new things
New axles
Strengthened structure and thickened axle
With the diversified development of climbing car gameplay, Rhino EMO X newly designed front and rear axles with strengthened structures. The door side deceleration components are installed with cross-section screws to ensure that they will not be damaged under high torque conditions. The tie rod seat is made of integral molding, which is stronger than the post-mounted tie rod seat, and will not break the tie rod seat due to twisting or overturning. The new axle continues to retain the 8-degree kingpin caster, which improves the road feel and improve the efficiency of the steering servo, making the control more precise and delicate, the front and rear power input shafts are raised by 10 degrees, so that the angle of transmission shaft is smaller, which can be obviously offset the tension of the steering wheel. The non-uniform velocity effect of the knuckles improves driving confort and reduces mechanical wear.
Differential lock mechanism without rudder adjustment (industry first)
The differential lock control of Rhino EMO X adopts and adjustment-free installation. The servo stroke is used 100% without adjustment. You will no longer be afraid to upgrade the remote control and burn out the servo in the future. With the new self-lubricating steel wire assembly, it is water & dust proof and can be locked in seconds. RTR is equipped with 6-channel remote control, the front and rear differentials can be independent lock, front lock and rear differential, front differential and rear lock, same lock and same differential. More fun to play. The inlay structure of the lock differential is fully metalized, which is stronger and more durable, and can be opened and locked without parking.
Quick-adjust limited slip transmission
With the newly designed two-speed gearbox, no need to remove any screws to adjust the limited slip, just unscrew the cover to adjust. The new gearbox integrates a splitter, and uses all-metal shifting and transfer gears, which are stronger and more durable. The large tooth adopts MO.8 gear, the motor gear upgrade range is wider, and the upgrade of the brushless system is simpler. The original factory is equipped with a 560 high-speed, high-torque self-cooling brushed motor as standard, which can be used for both climbing and crossing.
Large diameter shock absorber
Rhino EMO X adopts 21mm large-diameter shock absorber, full CNC machining hydraulic cylinder, upper cover vent design, oil filling and maintenance are easier. The spring seats is fastened with screws, so you are no longer afraid of losing it during trail running.
Newly designed reinforced M4 ball head buckle and steel tie rod
The newly designed M4 ball head buckle enhances the support in the direction of force, and at the same time cooperates with the tie rod. Embedded fit, the maximum diameter is 7mm, and the shaft diameter is 6mm, greatly improving the suspension pull.
All Metal gears
Rhino EMO X adopts all metal gears (except large teeth) ABEC3 level rubber covered ball bearings, and the most important special cold-resistant nylon. They were also sent to cities at -30° for low-temperature snow test to ensure that all regions of the world you can play with confidence.
This info is about V1 from 2022. Remember this is true 1/8 . Not body only. It is 375mm wheelbase also. 560 motor stock
The V2 will have more. We dont know about today.
I believe this is TRX4 Killer.
I dont say it is. No one know now.
I would like to hear from guys who Owns the V1 Emo X 1/8 from last year and also TRX4 how they feel about these.
Professionals like 1/8 EMO X V1, not the other Cross models.
V2 will be even better.
I like Lexan , specially in 1/8 cars, hard bodies would be too heavy.
LCG crawler must have Light weight Lexan body
Hard bodies is only to trail cars. In this case i like buy one 1/8 that is decent crawler also trails.
I will wait for real pros test this V2 at youtube couple month to see if there is any weaknesses.
Got many other Crawler builds going on now before this.
I have been thinking that i need actually have them finished, run them couple month and enjoy them before buy more crawlers.
Maybe i dont need this at all if im happy with my new long wheelbase build 4x4 and 6x6 build.
We have snow here winter time. I believe the 6x6 will be killer at snow also.
I will wait to winter and try out the 6x6 build before buy any more rigs i have decide today.
Why buy more if i love my new big 4x4 build, 408mm wheelbase, and the huge 6x6 build, both with alu axles and Brushless combo.
This time i need be wise, stop buy new cars, before try out ongoing builds

And if they are great, then i dont need buy more cars.
I have way too many.
One man cant take care of more rigs well than i have already, i have been thinking wise today. It will be a mess with too many different cars.
I dont want loose controll, and have RC Burn out , stress. These needs service too. Im at the limit already to be honest. Got many bashers also to run and take care of
I hope i am lucky with my new Crawler builds i will start soon, that these will be awsome, durable and fun, then i dont need anymore rigs in couple years
I will need help and advice here. To success with these, in another treadhs.
Anyways please write if you own both 1/8 EMO X and TRX4 how you like them trx4 -VS- emo X 1/8