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Colorado Rally Championship 2013

Great time today Cato and Ty.
Thanks to everyone who came out to play in the rally series.
Big thanks to STEW-CO Road Course Maintenance and track personnel.
It was a really good day Tater, glad a lot of fun was had by all.
Can't wait to have some more warm Colorado winter weather fun.
Got some pics to edit and post later.
Anyway to make a short course truck into a rally car??

Sent from my shack in the PB.

That is all the Traxxas Rally is. Having said that though this series was made for scale based rally cars. And the intent is to separate rally from short course. If that makes sense.
"thumbsup"....Great times today....thanks all for coming out...Ty for the series"thumbsup"


Stewco.......your tireless persuit of perfection never ceases to amaze me"thumbsup"
I'm thinking about getting a rally car sometime soon. Is the Traxxas Rally a good fit or should I be looking at other options?
I'm thinking about getting a rally car sometime soon. Is the Traxxas Rally a good fit or should I be looking at other options?

If you want great handling and a ton of fun out of the box, YES. If your longing for scale looks there are other options. Though there are body options for the Traxxas rally, just some not a cheap or easy to get as others. I know of the group of us that have them, I hear often "this is the best RC I have ever bought". It is just a flat out, blast of a car to drive!
Was really hopin that the vids came out, but no!
Did some firmware updates and all appears good now.
Will test with some snow vid testing today.
Still have pics to edit so at least they came out.
I'm thinking about getting a rally car sometime soon. Is the Traxxas Rally a good fit or should I be looking at other options?
I think the Traxxas is an awesome rig. I also think it is too wide for scale. It is just a 4x4 shortcourse rig with a fat ass rally body on it. Are they a great handling and fast rig, yes. But they almost need to run in their own class.

I do like the scale looks and performance of the Kyosho Drx, sweet ride, but not so cheap either.

Your going to have a kickass time with any of them so it really comes down to your needs and wants.
Yesterday was a perfect 50-60 degrees out, full on racing weather. Good ol Colorado, here is todays weather.

IMG_2499 (480x640).jpg

IMG_2500 (640x480).jpg
Nice pics skid, and thanks again for the cold one! Good times everyone, looks like those early races would have been pretty fun with that snow and ice waiting to dry out on the track.