Rock Stacker
Good info to know 

Bought my little green star, can see the classifieds but can't reply to any posts in it. Anyone?
Ask people about what they did with their builds or do "updates" on yours
I'm trying to be patient in achieving my 30 posts. Its a bit of a catch 22 really. Can't be a post whore so I started a build thread (not yet approved/posted) for my new ride (HPI WK). I want to make my posts somewhat meaningful in starting a from build scratch..which requires new parts...where the classified would be helpful..but not accessible because I'm new. GAH! Glad I got that off my chest.
Then give your advise on threads or your experience
I can understand and appreciate the rules that ensure that members are active and involved before gaining access to the classifieds...but for those of us who are just testing the waters and may be looking to enter this segment of the hobby, having meaningful contributions to the existing threads is difficult....
"30 days! 30 posts! or BUY your star!"
I did my duty and supported the site, yet I am still under restricted privileges?
can i get an explanation on why that is? $$$$$=privileges yet I can not post in classifieds!:roll: