This is what really bothers me. For McCain supporters, any time something good could be said about Obama they always have to come up with some other reason for why someone would support him - the millions of americans who voted for him couldn't possibly have scraped up a hundred dollars each approximately and donated it to the person they hoped would be running the country for the next four years. In this another thread someone suggested that the only reason why Obama had so many votes was because too many people were still angry at Bush. Of course, it couldn't be that people were voting for Obama, they had to be voting against McCain. And yes, your right. I think many people voted with their emotions. Rage over what has been happening the last eight years, as well as fear as to what will happen if the same policies are allowed to continue. For the record, I was not old enough to vote but I did everything I could to support "him" and I'm glad he won. If McCain had won though, I would have at least given him a chance before I said he was making the country go to shit. I love the U.S. just as much as anyone on these forums, and as far as I'm concerned the U.S. has spoken. Obama won the popular vote - meaning the majority of Americans elected him president - and he won the electoral college vote, meaning he won fair and square. As for dirty politics, I don't see the logic in saying that McCain stayed above the dirt while Obama wallowed in it. How do you defend the Bill Ayers attacks, which highlighted a functioning member of society that made some very bad choices when Obama was eight years old, who then went on to win the 1997 Chicago "Citizen of the Year" award for his work in the education system. Obama absorbed such attacks without fighting back, as he very well could have. For example, The "Keating Five" investigations, in which five U.S. senators - four democrats and John McCain - were accused of corruption and investigated as part of the Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s and early 90s. Let's think about that for a minute...Bad loans, a goverment bailout, and costs to the taxpayers totalling $160 billion dollars...I could've sworn I heard something like that in the news recently? And yes, McCain did say he would veto any "pork-barrel" spending bills that came across his desk. Yet he voted for the bailout...Does that make sense to you? Sure as hell doesn't sound like someone I would vote for.
And just to continue the theme of this thread...F*ck you "thumbsup"