lot of bleeding, republican vaginas going on. keep making excuses. anyone who makes an attempt to defend bush is a clueless idiot. :roll:
I am in no way happy with any of the situation of the country right now, but, it's ignorant comments like that above which are holding us back. First, you need to understand something about what is going on. Our President is not much more than a puppet attached to Congress's strings. Congress itself is a secondary puppet attached to the strings pulled by the corporate lobbyists or also known as "Special Interest Groups". Now to understand what really is going on, you have to get to the root of who is pulling what strings in this country. Do you honestly think Bush could go in, snap his little fingers and say "Let's Invade Iraq and get Saddam"? No, but who could sway the vote for this measure were the corporations who had much to gain by going to war, like Haliburton for example, who then put a ton of money into a particular party's pocket or leader of that party, who could then in turn use that to leverage members of congress who could in turn pass the vote...
Now, what hasn't been addressed is which of these groups donated to which campaign fund, and for what reasons? Barrack Obama received well over $600 million, do you think that in a time of financial duress of our country, that citizens losing their jobs, savings, and homes could pony that kind of cash up??? No. Maybe about 10% of that at best. So then, where did the rest come from??? Corporations who stand to gain by his being elected. With that said, who was the ONLY candidate who said "We need to eliminate the Special Interest Groups"? Don't know the answer to that? It was McCain in the Town Hall debate.
I worked for 2 of the largest corporations who have these "Lobbyist Groups" on payroll, which incidentally are paid for largely by employees coerced into "Payroll Donations", and it's no joke. Total BS is all they represent. Who are the 2??? How about Household International/Beneficial/HSBC, and Countrywide. Yeah, can you recall anytime they have stood with congress to help you or I? I don't. Look at what Countrywide has played a HUGE role in doing to the average US Citizen who pays the taxes!! Household lobbied a few years back to reform the bankruptcy laws, why, so they could turn more of a profit by losing less to all the crappy credit cards and loans eating people alive with the enormous fees and ridiculous interest!! Do your homework and understand what is really going on. You want to prevent this from happening again??? Get to the root of the problem, push for education of our children, and educate yourself. Use your emotions wisely, nit just checking a box because you are pissed at the job the other guy did, because the next guy opposite may be worse!:-(
Sorry for that, but it needs to be out there for more people to understand. Gun laws don't change because people get shot, they change because people pay to take them away. Why is it that the AR15 is an "Assault Rifle" here in California, but a Mini 14 Ranch Rifle isn't? Same caliber and almost the same gun. It's because a certain Senator's husband likes the Mini-14 and said to not put it on the list...NO whoopie if that gun gets banned basically is what it boils down to. Think about it....
Another point about a democracy - the MAJORITY of American people voted for Obama (Democrats) so they, by all accounts, are the rightful holders of power.
"Too bad most don't them don't give a shit" - well, I stand to be corrected but this election had the highest voter participation rate highest rate in FOUR DECADES!!!! That's quite lot of people who "give a shit"!!!!
as far as this goes, yes, I am in total agreement with this concept, but again, it wasn't that people voted out of knowledge, but emotion. I just hope all gets better for use a s a whole, but this country is not "United", and our citizens have passed control over to the corporations of the land. The days of us having much of a "say so" and the "Mom & Pops small town" mentality are over.