I love the look of this paint job. I'll definitely be searching for a tutorial on how this is done. I really like the patina look of it.
I love the look of this paint job. I'll definitely be searching for a tutorial on how this is done. I really like the patina look of it.
The torque twist was essential eliminated. I really expected it to be worse than the cantilever configuration.
Those are to replace the axle's pinion output so that regular style driveshafts can used.
I appreciate the compliment, thanxs. If you purchase the BOM specific Junfac driveshafts, those pinion outputs are not required. If you wanted to use Axial Wildboars or MIP driveshafts for example, then the pinion output conversion parts are required.
This rig is definitely my 1.9 "go-to" rig now.