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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

OOPS! Honest, a deer ran in front of me!:shock:

looks like a good unit. even and square. should handle well.

damn Z, didnt we tell you about Drinking and aiming for deer? not without SPikes on the brush bars.

gonna go do a bit of ice thrashing tomorrow with a few other locals. will get more pics and maybe some vid too.



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ya know!

Mike I changed my truck around so it should work a little better. Timmah that is bad A$$ it should rip really good. Slim are you going Crawling?
tim have you ran with them studs before that is sweet just wondering how well they stay in

nice pic deer slayer youll have to come down and see the vid i got on mine going creek crawling

were going to hit the swap meet tomarrow and then shoot up from there i need some help getting this winch set up on my 3pm

a buddy of mine made some bumpers for me they turd out pritty sweet and simple ill see ya all tomarrow
Sounds sweet Bill ! Hope it works for you. A new layout to work with too.

Yep I am hitting swap meet with my bud from up north - I may stop by crawling later in the day. Everyone have fun !
ya know!

Nick I haven't been hideing I just don't have time to get on the computer. So I went and bought me a new Black Berry phone with the Internet hooked up on it. Now I can get on the Internet at work. Scooter I still go to Nicks just no time at home for computer. Your set up looks like it is almost done. Jay wants 2 try it out.
that's AWESOME & what I've been hoping to hear too !

Nick I haven't been hideing I just don't have time to get on the computer. So I went and bought me a new Black Berry phone with the Internet hooked up on it. Now I can get on the Internet at work. Scooter I still go to Nicks just no time at home for computer. Your set up looks like it is almost done. Jay wants 2 try it out.
Yup',... Thank's Bill that's it what I really needed to hear from you guy's too. I't's been very hard to try to finish up this project of my with my heath all mess up lately. And I did'nt have alot of money to ready start this project either... But, I never gave up, and i used what all I could manage to go on.... I hope to have it done soon now that it is starting to warm up alil' bit each day too... This cold ass winter has been kicking my ass too. *I just can't seem to take the cold anymore for alot of Heath reason's* ( My wish was to have a reason for other guy's to come to me, as it's been so hard for me to come to them___And I just hope that this basement crawling thing will work out for me in that way___That is what it was all about for me Brotha's ***It's not anything as I wish I'd had to money to invent into and make a Awesome layout*** But it was the best that I could do with what all i had to go on and to OFFER to share with all of you fella's too... "Thank's Jay & the rest of you guy's too"....Because.!!! = Now with all the Med's the doctor has got me on now,...Shit dude's___It's seem's to be hard for me to feel like "Ol' Scoot'er" each new morning & etc... and to let myself get this knock out a.s.a.p and post it all up for ya's to see.. and then plan a "GTG" soon after too__That would be the most Awesome day of my life to have my brotha' over to run circle's around me...Huh + Lmao2 (( And if you fella's want to know the truth,.... I have not even driven a crawler of any kind since that day I was at nick's which was way back on the 7th or so of Dec' 08.... No - Shit So' there ya go brotha's for I have wanted to have a indoor layout to crawl on more then worrying about having any dammm thing to crawl with and I got about anuff stuff piled up here to really make about 3 rig's to have a hell of a good time playing with when my layout is done and I get my happy a$$ back to wrenching on all the stuff I got from last year & ya' fellas'. (I just don't feel at all like messing with any of it either,... I just want a Indoor layout more then anything else for I feel that is what is going to turn thing's around for me this year,___ Welp' that was the WHOLE TRUTH too bro's __ Ya all's take some new pic's of Nick's new layout for me Please so I can get some Idea as to what it's all looking like now__ And I'll, try mybest to get my buddy over here to post up alot of new pic's of mine soon too...That's best I can tell you brotha's & Hang in there Jay & thank's for the Boost too bro' I needed that too___Scoot'.
Yup',... Thank's Bill that's it what I really needed to hear from you guy's too. I't's been very hard to try to finish up this project of my with my heath all mess up lately. And I did'nt have alot of money to ready start this project either... But, I never gave up, and i used what all I could manage to go on.... I hope to have it done soon now that it is starting to warm up alil' bit each day too... This cold ass winter has been kicking my ass too. *I just can't seem to take the cold anymore for alot of Heath reason's* ( My wish was to have a reason for other guy's to come to me, as it's been so hard for me to come to them___And I just hope that this basement crawling thing will work out for me in that way___That is what it was all about for me Brotha's ***It's not anything as I wish I'd had to money to invent into and make a Awesome layout*** But it was the best that I could do with what all i had to go on and to OFFER to share with all of you fella's too... "Thank's Jay & the rest of you guy's too"....Because.!!! = Now with all the Med's the doctor has got me on now,...Shit dude's___It's seem's to be hard for me to feel like "Ol' Scoot'er" each new morning & etc... and to let myself get this knock out a.s.a.p and post it all up for ya's to see.. and then plan a "GTG" soon after too__That would be the most Awesome day of my life to have my brotha' over to run circle's around me...Huh + Lmao2 (( And if you fella's want to know the truth,.... I have not even driven a crawler of any kind since that day I was at nick's which was way back on the 7th or so of Dec' 08.... No - Shit So' there ya go brotha's for I have wanted to have a indoor layout to crawl on more then worrying about having any dammm thing to crawl with and I got about anuff stuff piled up here to really make about 3 rig's to have a hell of a good time playing with when my layout is done and I get my happy a$$ back to wrenching on all the stuff I got from last year & ya' fellas'. (I just don't feel at all like messing with any of it either,... I just want a Indoor layout more then anything else for I feel that is what is going to turn thing's around for me this year,___ Welp' that was the WHOLE TRUTH too bro's __ Ya all's take some new pic's of Nick's new layout for me Please so I can get some Idea as to what it's all looking like now__ And I'll, try mybest to get my buddy over here to post up alot of new pic's of mine soon too...That's best I can tell you brotha's & Hang in there Jay & thank's for the Boost too bro' I needed that too___Scoot'.
Ya Bill is dyeing to come meet you scoot i mite have to ride with him.
Jay & Slim see what 1 of my Emaxx's maybe look like.?

That's the old one,... and that pic' is from back in Sept' 08,... Hopefully We can come across the rest of the part's that I will need to throw this other 5/8th of a Emaxx together this spring or summer too (( I need all the A-arm's & all the driveshaft's that go thru them,... And all the screw's & A-arm pin's that go to an Emaxx))___ Then I'd be all done with hunting that stuff down locally...!!! ** Shit' then me & wifey would have twin Scoot'er modified Emaxx/Crawler's to run together with... And don't ever give this women anything more powerfull then an Twin motor Emaxx to drive Dude's,.... For she sure as shit never did baby it none... either.! ((And Don't none you fella's ever let her drive ya' BAJA's either___ For this ol' gal would never give it back to ya's__Rotflmao2 + You'd know darn well what it would do to me if you's was to even let me drive one of them even once too))___So, Just keep on hiding them from her,___ So' I can get her to liking a *killer crawler* instead_ Because that would suit "US" just fine...Maybe Build her a nice Emaxx' based crawler rig,.. and let her play with that,... Huh.?!! Yup'_Scoot'.
You still got 1 hour & 43 minute's to go yet Bone'..LoL

Is it sunday yet?????????????? Where's rob???????????????
Welp' reckon' if ya' get to packing it all up now,... And be ready & charged up you'd be the first one in the door...4 sur'..!!! Wow it's really going to be warming up next week brotha's and I got a few spot's around these part's that I need to scout out a.s.a.p too__(( I need to see some good pic's of now Nick' has it all set up like now ))__"PLEASE"__ Thank you in advance too who will be taken any pic's TODAY__ And Have a good time for me too fella's__((Ya' Know she just ask me what that is that Timmah' got sitting there ((With That awfull big size motor and scary_But,pretty Kool'_ looking tire's on it too)),__And do'es that big silver pipe looking thing hang off it make that big motor'd thing go any faster too..?!?__ Damm - it'__ Tim now I'll be up all nite telling her what a BAJA' is and all__ I knew this was all going to happen too__Dude's,.. throw some of your on the ol' sand dune's one's of you pulling wheelie's pic's back up on here for her to see you fella's all Blasting across the sand dune's throwing a big long rooster too__ That a get her going in the right direction "now as ya' got her mind alil' bend & that cute looking grin on her face at this moment"__ She'd a shit.!!__ If she seen that trick out & spotless "Hooter's" one that one of you fella's have shown me in one of you fella's photo album's... Now she want's online to do a BAJA' seach___ Rotflmao so hard it's starting to hurt as I'm, trying to catch a breath in between__ Brotha's this is so' Funny too.!!! For she got a nice Buzz going on to cause she's been out with the Girl's all day___I be telling her that she has seen Shit yet__Either ** Why hunny gal'... for you can have a hot pink & white all dude'd up shit & gitt'er to Babe'__( Hell-Yeahhhh ya' can & I'll, have Mr. Timmah there fine comb it all up just right like',... Just 4 You too )__ I promise & cross my heart,..!!!__ Just make a check out for 1 *Killer crawler* too__ 4 you surely know How much I love's ya',__ Hunny gal. ***Dammm,...I'm, Good at this Please' Hunny babe,.. Sweet talking um' and I know it a work each time too*** Ooooh, Hunny__Why'__ Them gas power shit & gitt'er's have got your name wrote all over them too,__ And yes there are other lady who own these kinda' big motor'd HUGE size Buggy's too__Bet me on that too__ It's sure is true,... Ain't that right now Timmah'___Talk to her Brotha'__ For you the one who started all this shit going on over here tonite now__ I'm, taking my tire ol' self + her too and heading for bed now..... And watch__The check should be in the mail pretty soon too. "Nite fella's & thank's" for getting her going that away's too__And If it turn's out that it's a Boy..?!! We just name him Timmah' 4 Sur' now too__Scoot'.