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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

You Too can win 14 gold medals in the olympics! It just takes practice."thumbsup"
Sorry,Brotha's but may have to put evrything on HOLD

Yup'.... it's going to be a very hard month to get thru here for me & wifey... there's just no extra money to be had.... and I'll have to back off on trying to spend any more on the layout.... *Shit, it just need's about 6 more bag's of ready mix packed over the last Area and then I'd call it done.... The dampest & the ready mix dust is getting to me too... Wife want's me to leave it alone for awhile. Saying how I've been spending to much time down there and it's starting to set into my ol' bone's... *I hate winter's* because I can't take the cold anymore...I've come along way from just having a large floor space to use *I had No HEAT down there when i started this project* and it's been cold as hell each day as I'm, down there for Hour's at a time too...(( keep busy 7 move around abit. But, It's just been to hard on my ol' bone's Just keep a pushing myself to get it done... Now we are having some extra spending money problem's on top of everything... and that has put a hold on me having any spending money *That I know I got saved for this project to just get it finished up this month as I had PLAN too....Dammm-it....It's not fair either, for I have been busting my ass just about each and everyday,... Just trying to keep this project going along at my pace and see it thru. I have been putting every penny I could lately into supply's & Etc... And having to do it all myself too.!!! Welp',...I'm, not taking this to well ... Ya' know bro's. So, I'll figure something out & shut her up about it too. And try to finish it up as I have been,..Huh. ((P.S. I'd only need about 50.00 buck's in supply's yet, to knock this out too... Shit'___Women They got to stick their nose into EVERYTHING... Huh____ ***Look's as thou' I'll, have to let her get her hair done again & take her out to eat to shut her up for a spell,...(( Work's everytime too))___Wish me luck Brotha's___TTYL Scoot'.
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Good luck Scoot !

Boy I just watched li-po video again - something else !! I get a real kick out of it. I know it doesnt have much to do with crawling, but it does have to do with a few guys having a great time (safely) and thats all that matters imo. I sure have fun at Nick's "thumbsup"
I'm an idiot.

I f up the pay pal balance. My rig hasn't even been shipped yet. Doesn't look like I'll be ready for sunday. Might have time to stop over sunday and watch again. Playin it by ear."thumbsup"
Slim I've been so Busy this week that I havent even had a chance to go out and try it. I've been Finishing up painting the trim in the kitchen. Because in a couple of weeks were starting on remodeling our basement. Thats Megs Orders. LOL
Hey, Mike' I just seen ya' Old tuber in the "VIDEO" wow

Yup' It look okey the way you had it going too... seem to work okey it look like to me.. Welp' that's good new.! Because I need to get it going soon and give it some HELL too. Then I maybe start on a scaler, or just leave it a tuber___Shit' I still got that blackwidow BRAND NEW still too..** I got anuff damm Chassis's for now... that's for sure. Plus set's of rim's & tire's to work with now aday's **... I just need to get another set of both complete AX-10 Axle's and a lock'd tranny to build myself another ax-10 based rig. (( I got a nice collection of hardbody's to that someone maybe want to take a look at too.... I hope to get alot of new pic's of alot of stuff that I maybe getting rid of soon... I was at the doctor's this afternoon___ And it's not good either,... more on that later guy's__Not Kool 4 sure__Wholly shit'__best not be me their talking about__ Shit' dude's __I'm only a 51 year's old youngster...?!! I'm, hoping the other test's will come up better then this one did.__No dammm wonder I can't take the cold.For now I got to take all these Med's and go to bed now too,___ And I don't feel up to talking any more about it for now either__((still in a state of Shock somewhat here))__But I'll, break it all to ya's in a few_ OKEY _poor ol' Scoot' & G-Nite Brotha's_
Yes Megs is the boss :ror:

Mine just got back in town - no more vacation - its all good though

Timmy - thanks for delivering li-po to Hook for me

Nick - new world record at phone tag ?? Look forward to seeing you again next time, and trying that new sweet course.
Hey, you all's'... check this new post out. "Ya hear".

Dammm, brotha's this is one awesome build up rig'... Nick & timmah check this out bro's. ((AX10 Sypder Customs jeep TJ unlimited, Scaler project))... Awesome sheet metal talent guy's... Just awesome,.. *Wow*. _ Scoot'_
Welp' Just sold my mini cam.! to my ol' man for 60.00.!

Yup' thank you Lord & ol' dad too....( I did'nt have to PAWN anything as I figure'd I may of had too ** I only paid 25.00 for that mini cam too**),... Now I got what money I'd need to keep working on my layout,... As I figured I would be doing about right now...I grab'd up 6 more 60 lbs bag's of ready mix, And that is going to have to finish it up once and for all too... That's alot of hand packing yet to do. So now I should be all set___ just have to finish up the last two Area's and maybe add some paint over it all too. **Nick' what kinda paint did ya' use to cover your's with Bro'.... I don't have any more money to spend on good paint either** I would have to just cover it with some thing that I can find at Cheap close out price per gallon,.. and maybe water based. I don't know what to go with that would work... That I'd have to ask your advice on.. reckon' it be best to cover all that hand pack ready mix with something to keep the dust down...?!! ((( Maybe big lot's may have a some good oil based Lt grey floor paint at a good price per gallon, I best stop over there and take a peek...I Figure a gallon would just about do it all to going with just one good coat to cover it up with... what's your advice on this matter Nick'.?!! _Scoot'_
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That don't look to bad dude. But where's the option's

Welp',... where the adjustablity on that thing at...?!! Reckon' ya,.. Just made it to fit one set up...Huh.?!! you shoulda put a few more hole's is it dude,___ You may wish that you did later on if you deside to try anything else on that frame... Beside that 2 cent's ....I'd have to say you did good for ya' first try at a tuber dude._Scoot'er_