I recieved some tires in the mail today. I ordered two sets. One set was a set of rock crawler 1.9's and a set of 2.2's on rims. The 1.9's came in. They look like a cool tread and all but they are DINKY compared to the crap tires that are on the truck!! What gives? they say on the sidwall 38x13 r 19 Im not real happy. Though as bad as they are they are probably better thant the ones on it. Hopefully the 2.2's will show up soon. Whatcha all think about this speed controller "rc4wd scale single motor speed control "outcry",
RC4WD Scale Crawler Single Motor Speed Control "OutCry"
RC4WD Scale Crawler Single Motor Speed Control "OutCry"
Turns out Im working till 1pm on saturday (very unfair!!) so how about we do a later thing like say 2pm?? sat. Then I can also meet mod3ds1ash45..... I was driving the truck at work and was lots of fun. Even with the chevron tires it was able to drive over all sorts of stuff
Do you guys try to put as much weight over the front or do you try to balance it?