Quarry Creeper

Why am I not surprised?
Nice work Mike."thumbsup"
The 2011 rules are almost done. Just 1 last topic to hash out.
Troy I'm doing well thanks I have my issues but who doesn't? I only missed the Duluth and scale comps last year. I actually made every comp last summer and two pulling events this winter. Hey that's pretty good for me. "thumbsup"
It's you I've been missing I know your scaling I'm hoping to find rime to finish my Scout, talk about taking so long that the equipment has become historic quality. :lmao:
Norm, glad to hear you're doing well "thumbsup"
I've actually had some health issues myself this year, that have taken me out of commission for a couple of months. I took a "leave of absence" from my mod position here at RCC. I'm finally feeling close to back to normal again.
I'm planning starting construction of my cabin this Spring/Summer, but I plan to schedule my "working weekends" on non comp weekends, so I can run the full MNRCRC crawling schedule.
I've got a lot of projects ahead, 1st up is to build a friend a 2.2 Axial shafty w/dig, help another friend make his AX10 more comp worthy, then on to build myself a new comp truck. Mean while, I have 4 scale projects in various stages of completion. I hope to have the 1st AX10 completed after a few more shop hours tonight.
I'll be back around the forum more now that I'm feeling better.
Hey Jeremy got the move over?
Those are looking good Troy.
Yea, all settled and work'n again . been cold and snowy the last week or so, but tomorrow it's suppose to hit low 50's
Naa Norm, not supercharged at all, just off work for a couple of weeks nursing a shoulder injury, and I have too much free time on my hands, and lots of pain pills "thumbsup" Plus some projects to finish.
Damn freetime..
Props.. I can't get that much done in a year!!
That's what I was saying.