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any crawlers in MN?

It wasn't me, it was 'the other 2.2 guy'.:lol:

Hey Adam, glad to see you post up. I responded to your email on our website. Welcome aboard."thumbsup"
thanks guys, I am very excited to get out there and have some fun. I am not your typical army guy so dont worry. I am torn on what my comp vehicle build will be. I could go easy and awsome with the axial OR a fun build with a wheely king. hard choice huh? ha ha

also thinking about adding a super to my collection we will have to see.

go axial, though i do like my wk there is soo much i had/have to do to it to make it comp worthy. that and the axial axles and tranny look alot like the wk's just better. ohh well that you need to buy electronics you would probely wanna upgrade the wk's anyway.

I went with an axial for my next project, a scaler of the 1.9 variety. You can't go wrong with a comp ready truck right out of the box."thumbsup" You even get to build what you want.
it's alive.....................AGAIN!!!

the gopher is back together with a better paint job, and a homemade skid plate made of .025" thick aluminum sheet to protect the chassis painted skid plate form being gouged and corroded. i now need to buy a couple battery packs made to fit it, and some internal springs to help pull the body down after extension of the shocks. if will try to get some pics and then i will see if i can get someone to post them for me if i emailed the pics to them. it has a gopher chassis with blue metallic paint and a clear coat, fatrock vertical front servo mount. steel lower links by cole82 and homemade upper and steering links made with jato rod ends, 8-32 threaded rod, and 1/4" brake line. it has t-maxx black composite bodied shocks in a droop configuration, a xxx-t tranny, mamba max esc, 65t integy lathe motor, t-maxx drive shafts, tlt axles, axial rockstar wheels and losi rock claws. i also made a custom shell on top that covers the roof, back, and the side up to the level of the raised hood.
Hello fellow Minnesotans!
I'm new here and just bought a Axial 10. Should be at my door by the end of the week. So far I am going to install the Novak Goat Crawler sintered system, TCS High clearence links, Boomerang upper link front and rear.

I would like to get in on some of the events here in the state but not sure what all needs to be done to compete for fun? I'm not new to the RC scene. I have currently in my stable a MGT, HPI RS4, and an Evader ST Pro. This is my first Crawler so I'm sure I will suck at it. I am also full time Army like the other 2.2 guy but I work out of Bloomington and I too am not your typical Army guy. I hope to meet some of you guys this spring on the rocks!

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Welcome aboard Jeff, sounds like you are getting a nice setup to start with. That should be all you need to compete with, just keep it limited to 2 wheel steering and keep the wheel base under 12.5 inches.
Yeah I was'nt going to mess with the rear steer. I have been doing alot of reserch on this truck and read alot of reviews and it seems to be a good crawler. I just want to have fun and and enjoy it.
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Hey SFC K,
well good to hear that you are here too. I am CPT Hess 372nd Engineer BDE S3 at Ft. Snelling. where are you working?

well guys I think i am going to stick with my OG rig but try to make a dig set up and a few electronics upgrades. I am a 1/8" too long so going to bend the rear links and see if i can make it legal. Might still get an AX-10 we will see.
Hey SFC K,
well good to hear that you are here too. I am CPT Hess 372nd Engineer BDE S3 at Ft. Snelling. where are you working?

Well I am with the 1-34th BTB out of Bloomington. I'm the BN Logistics NCO for our BN. I am really axious to get my crawler so I can start crawing.
ooooooooooohhhh no he with the UNIT lol Logistics thats what they are called too lol he going to have sharpshooters in the trees to pop rounds at our trucks to take them out....lol jk welcome I'm ex army but anyways tring to forget that part of my life not a great memory spot in my life 8 bad years
We just might be able to start up a whole new unit with the amount of service members here......:lol:

I do have to ask what BTB is though......... I got out right when all this new BTC stuff started coming into play......."thumbsup"

Chris...never pick on a "loggy" he might just be able to hook us up with some good parts....never know!
We just might be able to start up a whole new unit with the amount of service members here......:lol:

I do have to ask what BTB is though......... I got out right when all this new BTC stuff started coming into play......."thumbsup"

Chris...never pick on a "loggy" he might just be able to hook us up with some good parts....never know!

Well the BTB Actually is supposed to be BSTB which means Brigade Special Troops Battalion. We dont like the Special part so we call it the BTB. We just got back from Iraq in July 07. We were deployed with the 34th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. Whis is the BCT for short. To many acrynyms to remember. Dang army...I was infantry before I converted so being a loggy is where it is at.
Too funny, I was infantry for 15yrs, being the 34th I can understand the disliking of the "special" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I hear you on the reorg stuff, it was more "fun" in the 80'and 90's when we were heavy "thumbsup"

Looking forward to meeting up with ya!
Welcome SFC K. I'm Army too (E-5 21B) but in WTU for about 3 more weeks. Then its retirement for me"thumbsup".

You are all a bad influence!! I just ordered me an R2D, straight axle, Memory foams, 4 link and a few other misc parts for my AX-10. You already have me competing and I'm still in Germany WTF!!:mrgreen: