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any crawlers in MN?

I appreciate everyone's input so far."thumbsup" There are obviously different opinions, but that's fine. Everyone will not always agree. It's kinda like ordering pizza-it's hard to agree on toppings.;-) I'm glad that so many have expressed their views. Thank you.

I will have the next update soon.
extra ancovies (sp)

if everyone agreed all the time , life would be boring ....

thats y god created liberals , to whine , complain , and piss off the blue collar man :twisted:

I appreciate everyone's input so far."thumbsup" There are obviously different opinions, but that's fine. Everyone will not always agree. It's kinda like ordering pizza-it's hard to agree on toppings.;-) I'm glad that so many have expressed their views. Thank you.

I will have the next update soon.[/

Thats what makes this sport so fun divserty of opinion."thumbsup"
The reason they do not have 4ws in the rules, is because it is not allowed in most of the 1:1 crawling classes. They looked at the real trucks to write our rules, and I feel that is the correct way to handle things.


But that logic only applies for the 2.2s when the Supers are using 4ws.
Don't get me wrong Boys I'd still be whining about a seperate class and unfair advantages if that where to occur "thumbsup".
2008 Rules Update

Ok, time for the second update.
  • First topic: Wording of the body rule. The current rule is as follows:
2007 USRCCA Rules said:
Class 1 - Super Crawler Class:

Vehicle must run a body that is 1/10th scale or larger. Legality of a body is to be determined by the event judges. Judging guidelines are as follows: 3” minimum height on sides. No more than 3” taken off total length. No less than 12.5” total length and full width, or no less then 5" in the center.

It has been suggested to remove the 2 sections above that are in red. We had an issue last year of wether or not to allow the Wheely King body. It is pretty much the same size as most 10th scale bodies and it fits the required measurements, but it's labeled as 12th scale so by the 2007 rules it's not allowed. The other part is really hard to judge unless you know the measurement of the precut body. Plus, as long as it meets the minimun length it should be fine.

  • Second suggestion is terminology. The suggestion is to change "stage" to "course". (i.e. course 1, Super's course, etc.) Most people refer to each "stage" as "course", so for simplicity we are looking into changing it. We would most likely change "course" to "location".
Thoughts? Comments?
Sounds good, just give body ruling size limits.... and can we finally nix out the car bodys? Don't care if the bugs are a exception, but the nissans and crap are silly looking.
I had to trim my axial in the back, so the body would not run as much.

well I have 3 scaler's now so not sure I'm going to compete next year or not ....I'll wait to see if bugs are worked out in my comp rig then decide to compete or not and not to get anyone going i still run my stock tlt tranny and don't do all that bad just need to hone my skills driving so on with my scalers my clodrag,highlift ,and locked ta02 weeeee these are so much more fun than crawlers lol noooooooooooo rules :lol::lol:"thumbsup"
Rules Committee Update

Newest changes:
  • The body rule suggestion has been voted on. It has been elected to drop the "10th scale" requirement and the "no more than 3 inches removed" portions. We will be leaving it up to the measurements to determine legality of the body.
  • We have also voted to change "stage" to "course" since that is what most people call it anyways.
Newest suggstions:
  • It has been suggested to change the progress point value. Currently it is a 1 point bonus for making progress. The question is wether or not to change the value to 2 points or more.
    • Arguement for it: People think a progress point should be worth more than 1 point.
    • Arguement against it: It would not change the outcome of the finishing order in any scenerio.
  • The other current suggestion is having a "14r" class. Basically a class for a 14" wheelbase. This would be in addition of the current 2.2 class and the Super class. Here are his proposed rules for this class:
Rules Committee member said:
Class 2 - 14r Crawler Class:
Rules Committee member said:
• Limit wheel base to 12.6 to 14"
• No limits on vehicle track width or height.
• Limit up to maxx size wheels.
• No limit on tire size
• Limited to 4-wheeled vehicles only.
• No limits to steering configuration.
• You must run a body, 70% of the original body, to be determined by judges, 3" minimum height on sides, no less than 12.5" total length and full width in the center.
Tube chassis's are fine, as long as they resemble a 1:1 rig, they must retain a roof, hood and side panels.
• Body should resemble its original form (jeep bodies look like a jeeps)
    • Arguement for it: There are some people that run 14" wheelbases and currently they would have to run in the Super class.
    • Arguement against it: This may take away from the number of competitors in the Super class.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions?
New entries would migrate from either 2.2 or Supers. In some geographical areas the natural terrain offers very little challenge for the Supers as it is. The numbers are declining and in some clubs nonexistent.
I don't see anything in the proposed new 14" wb formate that is much different than Super class. The 14" wb might have slightly less difficulty in some areas creating challenging courses. Seems like there is not enough differences between 14" wb and Super to make it worthwhile.
You already know my opinion about the escalating cost of competition. IMO if there was truly another class being added that would be a better place to put the effort with more benefits to the growth and the well being of our Hobby/Sport.

I'd rather see more 1.9 scaler activity in our club."thumbsup" more courses for 1.9 . More 1.9 involvement all together.:twisted: this is just my opinion. What do you think?
i don't really see the point in adding another point for progress. from my understanding a progress point is a bonus for those hwo can finsh the gate, and a penalty for those who can't. adding another point willonly hurt the people who need the progress points

is the 14r class basicly the poor mans super class?
14'r class would be cool, if we replaced the supers class with it. Would make things much more interesting with shorter wheel base rigs, rather then having 16-19" wheel base supers.
14'r class would be cool, if we replaced the supers class with it. Would make things much more interesting with shorter wheel base rigs, rather then having 16-19" wheel base supers.

Now that would make sense "thumbsup" and probably make for more challanging courses as well. But thats probably not going to happen. That is only way I could see a 14" wb class.