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any crawlers in MN?


Stormin, Cannon Falls is wheelchair accesible"thumbsup" I know I've been there. It's perfect for us. Handicaped parking and everything we we need.
Well, I'm done with my move... Thankfully.:lol: And just in time too. The Rules Committee is starting up now to discuss the 2008 USRCCA rules.

So, like last year I am looking for input from you guys. Please bring up any ideas, concerns, changes, etc. that you would like to see. If you don't want to post them up you can pm me instead.

I will update you guys as frequently as I can as to topics that are brought up to try to get a feel of your stance. I want to speak for the club as much as I can rather than just solely using my judgement.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.
So, here is my first update. (Don't worry, there's not too much;-))

As of 12/30/07 Fishmaxx was voted in as the 2008 USRCCA Rules Committee Foreman. He was the rules committee Foreman for 2006.

Fishmaxx is starting off with looking for general topics of items that need addressing. If you have anything that needs addressing either post them here, or pm me and I will bring them up if needed.

That's all for now. Keep watching for updates.
Don't shoot me but where does it stop?

Hey Kevin, the body rules are pretty vague and open to much interpretation I'm speaking of the 70% rule. I liked Jason's approach for this years Moab Nats 12.5 long minimum, 5" wide and 3" tall simple and easy to tech.

I also think Dig has now been made mandatory equipment to be competitive. I believe it even created advantages at the Moab Nats and in our own club last season. With only one manufactured dig system available to the general public and with the cost of new 3 channel radio, R2D tranny and a servo to operate it it's now become a expensive gotta have option. ($300 -$325 or more) Even if you build your own home made dig collar it's still not inexpensive. What I'm saying is it has added allot of cost that may be prohibitive for some. Once again making it a cubic dollars game. Dig IMO should be in a separate class that maybe gives you an option dig or rear steer. If rules are not developed or our club doesn't adopt a a no dig rule then sure I'm going to have one on our truck. I do believe it's an unnecessary piece of equipment that belongs in it's own class. In the last couple of years 2.2 crawling has become very expensive. Now we add more cost to be competitive where does it stop. This is only good for the Mfg and dealer but not necessary for the average club member. It's clearly a must have advantage and a expensive one.
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Thanks for the input Stormin."thumbsup" Both of those topics were brought up last year, and I'm sure they will be discussed again this year.

As far as the cost issue, some clubs have been discussing having a "spec" class. My understanding is it would be for pretty much stock Axials. No dig, no rear steer, brushed motors, etc.(don't quote me on that cause I haven't read too much about it). I don't know if that will be an official class next year or not. Just wanted to share.;-)
yea , they could split the 2.2 comp class into 2 caragories "Spec" or "Entry level" 2.2 (no rear steer/dig) No modded/Hybrid tires (cut/glued) "Jordans/Moab-Mashers" for example

and a 2.2 "Mod/Unlimited" class if you will where dig , mod tires , forced articulation , rear steer

i dunno , just my .02

are we (MNRCRC) going to have a scale class this coming season ? or is that going to be continuing like a trail run/fun run event ???

just curious about that
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KISS>>>>> Keep it simple stupid<<<<<<<<<

Thats great Kevin, It's really no more work or time to put the results from the comps in proper categories. Every one could run together it become a simple separation process for scoring.

I really don't like the idea of a Axial only class myself that is to totally single manufacturer driven unless it's box stock and serves only as a entry point and that any kit crawler that was approved could be added at any time. That means if it's not in th box when you get it it can't be run in that class. Once you change one thing your moved to the standard 2.2 class. So say Kyosho's new truck or Losi's entry is deemed box stock legal it can be run. We don't want to discourage other manufactures from joining the party. The idea itself seems unnecessary let the Axials run the 2.2 class that's what they are.

You realized of course all off this has been done before and the RC community has been driven from the board rooms of businesses not from the club levels. Thats why so many clubs have come and gone and Guys like me have useless museums of vehicles. A true rules committee wouldn't have a single person who supports themselves from a profit made from the hobby. In my experience that is what has screwed up RC and many other forms of armature racing as well in the past the special interests folks.

We simply need a 2.2 class that does not allow dig, or rear steer or any other new and expensive single option. Basically our current 2.2 class and then a modified class for the folks who want to go nuts with their rigs at any cost. It's really that simple to keep cost down and continue the growth of the Hobby/Sport. I don't need another vehicle in my museum.
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I agree with stormin no dig in 2.2 class. It would price me out of the game. Besides it gives a distinct advantage to he who spends the most wins."thumbsup"
I apologize for any confusion Stormin. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything since I'm not in complete understanding of it. But I believe that the intent of the Spec Class would be to run a stock truck regardless of manufacturer. I only mentioned the Axial because it's the only truck that is really comp ready out of the box in my eyes.

I don't know if that will be considered for an official class by USRCCA or not, I think it's just something that some clubs were thinking of doing to be an entry level class. It has not been mentioned.

Hey Kevin there are threads all over RCC talking about a Axial spec class. It wasn't anything you said I've just been noticing all the excitement about the Axial spec class. There are so many other ways to get a entry level class started. Don't get me wrong I think the AX-10 is a nice truck and there are so many aftermarket parts available now that it has become a regular 2.2 comp truck just as expensive and just as capable maybe more.

The scorpin is so competive that I'm building a 1.9 scaler out of one."thumbsup" You'll see it in the spring. If you're lucky sooner.:twisted:
Hey Jack,
So your building a scaler, I'm in the process of building one as well. TLT axels, Double J Trail Beater chassis and some other Jj goodies, My body choice is the Proline Ambush ( Scout ). I'm going to use link suspension for durability. I think it will have a winch but not sure about that yet and maybe lights.
Now that's going to work out good when we go trail riding down in Cannon.
well , hopefully we'll have a week or more of 40's or 50's so i can get up to taylors and start working on a mobile break-down course for the freebie trailer i picked up "thumbsup"

there a few places that i want to copy the natural rock formations , and the Rock Bridge on the lower end ( i dunno if you saw down there) ....

i'd also like to go to duluth and see if there is anything out there that would be interesting

i have to buy a couple bolts of burlap from a garden center or a fabric store

we'll see what happens

He plans to cover burlap with plaster of paris to get a copy of the terain, purty smart huh."thumbsup" Scaler will be a pt cruiser with lights and a winch:twisted:
yea , what he said , i'm going to try to make the terrain copys the size of 4'X8' so i can mount them on sheets of plywood for stability, so it will break down , that way we can angle panals , and re arrange them accordingly