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a nylint for axialfest build

Yay pics

The packing is vary interesting seeing as how they came from China lol


Out of the package

Mounted up
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Quick update

I've been chasing an shifter problem it doesn't like high gear first issue was the hole was machined wrong and dident line up I fixed that then the shifter cog would seize up if it wasn't shifted nicely so I ground the gear slots out so they dont bind anymore it still feels like there's sticky points but I won't know till I get it back together I picked up a dirt cheap ESS setup it works good to mask the outrunner noise it sounds like its supercharged now lol and I mounted the speakers in the bed for a scale look I just need some scale speaker grills
I started some simple bumpers the back came out nice but I'm not sure on the front yet
I have a driver on the way I picked up some plastic epoxy to stiffen up the role cage I have some spring steal I'm gonna epoxy inside the role bar so it holds its shape better then I get to tear it all apart and paint it
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Here's a pic of the hole drilled out I dident get a pic after I ground out the gear

  • sSJXodxl.jpg

The spring steal wire going in to the role cage

And the bearing on the back of the steering wheel and servo horn
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I made up some really simple bumpers and sliders I finished my he front one its now ready for he winch and its not perfect but from 5ft away it looks great the sliders are welded up but still need paint and I still need to weld up the rear bumper but it will work for some testing
While chasing slop in the steering I found my front axle is about 1/8" off aperently i dident get the housing ground down flush so one leaf pack is sitting kinda sideways so I need to fix that I got the wheel offset I wanted
My driver is in the po box right now so I'll pick that up soon then make his head turn along with the steering wheel
It still needs shocks and some under body protection that will tie in to the sliders and hide that uglyness




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That's some great progress! Wish i could say the same for my builds.
That's some great progress! Wish i could say the same for my builds.
Lol 3 years since I started this build lol but hay life happend 2 moves and a new house that needed a lot of work still not all the way moved in and still have a lot of work to do and some were in there I had to do a engine swap on my diesel tow pig so I can finish moving but this rig is getting close to being done now lol

I actually took it out to the rocks for a test it turns out allthread turns noodle soft if you don't sleeve it lol i fixed that then noticed the servo mount isent up to the task so I need to build a solid mount THIS RIG WILL STEER some day lol

The sound kit really helps with the noise the revolver makes gives it that supercharged sound kinda lol

As soon as in can come up with a camera I'll get some video of it in action

My first impression of this rig is good it feels well balanced and it climbs good the wheel speed in high gear is awesome and the torque in low also is awesome in my 10min till my all thread noodles cooked it felt great

I'm not sold on the Holm's hobbies servo just yet it feels week but even struggling with these big tires and a vary heavy rig its not even warm nether is the motor so they will!probably last longer than the rig itself
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i got out and did some more testing everything worked realy good except for the steering im gona try and tighten it up some more but theres almost zero slop but it dosent seem to hold its position vary well every little rock pulls the front end every witch way looks like a drunk going down the trail i might try to mount the servo on the axle and see how that dose but then i would have to move 5he motor back not to big a deal but i would rather not
anyway heres a quick video out on my backyard test trail

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i decided to mount the servo on the axle but space was limited so i mounted the servo on the axle tube nice and low and that seems to be working out it dose hit the transmission but i dont want the springs to compress that far anyway and it dosent limit the articulation any so im gona leave it and moving the servo makes alot more room for the shocks to sit
the micro servos came in so now the steering wheel and the drivers head move i have a servo reverser for the driver coming because he looks right when i turn the wheels left

the body is taking a beating so i think im gona make some body protection pannels ans some tube work on the front i dont want this body to get too beat up
and the new ssd output shaft is on its way so it will be 4 wheel drive again

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i did a few test runs on this rig and figured it needed some body protection i used some light waight aluminum dimond pattern stuff on the rear and sides and some tube from the stinger to the sliders

i just need to clean up the welds and hook all the electronic shibit back up put the winch back on and i should be able to call it a.day

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i dident have any plans to change this up but i scored a dirt cheap set of ryft axles i had planed to use them on my wraith but there just so much axle there i thought it would be to much for the wraith so that brings me back to the heep

i dident like that i had to use huge wheel spacers to get the tires were i wanted them on the ar60s so the ryft axles being about that much wider it just made sence to pull the axles and swap in the ryft axles there alot heavyer and have alot more scale

the problem is the leaf springs i will have to cut alot of metal to get the leafs to work

pics of the axles at the start
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i got the rear cut up and installed the shackles kinda got a lean to them lol the mounting points are just a hair wider but its kinda working out there seems to be less slop in the springs now lol

these pot metal axles took alot of grinding that metal is hard
i opened up the driveshaft a mm to fit the axle

How did I miss this? Fantastic. I would have kept the cage blue, so us old-timers can recognize it easier, for the nostalgia factor.
Looking good to me !

I'm a fan "thumbsup"


Kept my cage blue until I added the horizontal tubing above the dash...
that and I had to raise the entire cage about 1/4" for some reason.


So the black had to cover up them boogers. Luckily I just sprayed on
some black plastic dip spray and it comes off with some sprayed on charcoal fluid.
Not that I'm concerned because I have another complete TJ Jeep and blue cage to revitalize it when my Jeep becomes unrepairable. Plus I think I have one of those 1/6 scale Scorpion bodies as well. https://photos.app.goo.gl/RgbXZZn3N5pbUPra8
But threw away two of those 1/6 scale toy Nylint RC chassis.

I personally think it looks better when it's all black.

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since mark hammel figuratively lost his head and turned to the dark side lol and well my luke skywalker figures head fell off literally i decided to change it up alittle bit

i found a old axial 1/6 scale scully head and did it up

hopfully i dident glue his head solid lol
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