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a nylint for axialfest build


who did i wanna be again
Subscribed Member
Jan 9, 2016
california under the rock im crawling on
So i picked up the super dupper extra extra raw raw axials builders kit "frame rails " for for my nylint heep there scx10ii rails i got a r3aly good deal on them although i still feel like i payed for the name and not the actual frame rails but its for axial fest lol if it realy dose happen and isent to far away or cost a servo arm and a wheel to get in lol the plan so far is the scx10 rails a wraith skid some kind of drop brackets to the shaft angle isent to steep alloy ar60 axles a 2 speed on the skid and my own twin motor forward set up and im thinking 2 cheap brushless motors or maybe 2 550 can 21t motors and im realy wanting to run leaf springs front and rear with some swampers on it to complete the look

i went up and got the rest of the parts for this build i started on the leaf springs im using a old rake for the spring steel for the leafs i dont like how the frame plays with the body but i can make it work i might chop up another frame to extend this frame but i havent decided yet i thought about using the traxxass frame rails but its gona be a leaf sprung truck so i dont see the advantage of using the frame as link geomitry isent a issue i dought im gona have this ready for axial farce this year but it should be up and running by the next one and they should be back at cisco grove by then
i got some work done on this rig i cut the interior up and droped the floor then rebuilt it all the i thought i had more pictures but i cant seem to find any but heres one with the interior before i dropd the floor






i need to make risers for the seats they si5 way to low now



after playing around with this rig i realized i need a longer frame so i picked up another one ill cut the 2 and weld them together when i get to that point i needed to get 5he floor done first so i can see were th3 frame is gona ride
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i made alittle progress on this rig the frame has been streched to fit the body and i broke down and bought some leaf springs i think there a little short for the size of this rig but they should still do the job anyway there mounted the ssd hd60 got stolen for another build so im back to square 1 on the axles
ive been trying to get my other rigs up and running and havent been building as much as i would like but hay thats how it goes some time i thought i had some pics but i dont ill post them up asap
figured i would update this thread since i picked up a pile of parts it now has a frame a wraith skid with a 2 speed trans mounted to it as a transfer case and a scx10 trans up front a devolver to mount to it powered by a mmx esc for now anyway atleast 1 axle 4 leaf springs i havent decided if i want to go with the ssd hd60 centered housing or a alloy ar60 axle for the rear i like the centered diff but i like the wieght of the alloy axles too

ill take some pics tomarow
Looks good sofar. It's been a long while, almost eternity since I have last seen one of these bodies! I still have my 1/6 Scorpion. Hats off to you for using such a Og body to build something cool.
Looks good sofar. It's been a long while, almost eternity since I have last seen one of these bodies! I still have my 1/6 Scorpion. Hats off to you for using such a Og body to build something cool.
thank you sir i cant wait to see it finished
these extremly slow builds realy test the patiants

the scorpion was a cool rig i remeber seeing it at tuff truck and was in aww of it
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I picked up some gmaid spring purches and have the axles attached securely to the leaf springs

the battery tray is in i just need to figure out were to mount the esc

i mounted the servo outside the frame rails its kinda a funky place but it works theres lots of clearance there so im gona role with it

I realy like the kinetic winch i used on my cc01 so ill probably go that route on this one too just to keep things simple
doing great job man....
I've be setting aside a G.I. Joe build for years and been saving parts that are old school now and thinking of leaf spring set up.. I have lots of parts on hand and may try a Yeti transmission in mine hope it goes well and with your build also..
doing great job man....
I've be setting aside a G.I. Joe build for years and been saving parts that are old school now and thinking of leaf spring set up.. I have lots of parts on hand and may try a Yeti transmission in mine hope it goes well and with your build also..
Thanks yo I saw your GI Joe build I'll be keeping a eye on it for sure
I got everything worked out and installed I got a few test runs in and this thing is a beast so much torque I don't have any idea how its gonna do temp wise I haven't gotten to run it long enuff to tell the steering is funky I'm loosing a lot of torque from body role turn right the front right dips and same to the left I might try to stiffen the front springs too I had to add a extra leaf to the rear already the torque was bending the leafs they feel good now I used a tamiya main leaf to stiffen the pack
The trans isent shifting so I have to tear it apart and fix it but that's not a big deal
Its pretty much teardown time I need to fab up some bumpers and sliders and mount the winch system and paint everything then I can put it together again
I'm really liking the new wheels but I'm not liking the wheel hex with the built in rotors I think I want wider hexs so I might just change them out there just not the look I was after
I need to find a driver that fits it and make up a few scale accessories for the back
I am gone use the plastic box from my Holmes servo as a fuel tank and a old drill bit box for a cooler I found this really cool scale glock with working slide and removable clip so that's going in there somewhere too its not done yet but its moving under its own power now but there's still along way to go

Pics coming soon