Tell ya the truth, it's hard to tell the difference in the video's.
What I can tell, is the rig is working!
the tiny, minor adjustments are goin to only be able to be felt by you at this point. IMO
You will only know by running pack after pack.
I know, for me, once I got mine into proper crawling setup, but not yet "final" tuning. I ran 15-20 packs thru the same lines. Then after talking to JD and explaining how it was running, acting, and reacting, could I make another change. To the point of tuning, that simply moving my rear shocks forward one whole, landed me in my final setup.
I was having issues with one climb. The front was lifting. After moving the shocks forward, it gave enough forward bite with my setup to climb..
They are only the little things ur goin to notice and be able to tell the difference in.
No no, I was in the middle hole with my rear shocks. I had to move a hole forward.
It was suggested, you move a hole back.. You got it right.
Cough cough, I'm pretty sure someone(if not 2 someone's) mentioned, ONE change at a time Glen.....![]()
I went to my practice spot here on the farm. Still not making lines I've done before. Seems to want to lift and flip backwards. I forgot my tools, (not to mention uppers at chassis are a bit@h to change on rocks due to my electronics.) just moved my upper fronts down a hole at the chassis. I gotta chase my old setup and move from there. Should have ran it like it was after I installed my Calderwood front link. Am I going the total wrong direction? Should I have moved rears instead?
Sent from a device I've used on the toilet.
so u don't need my help any more
Winner, I'm running dual micro sidewinder, bec, and a 4pl.
I see ur problem that you speak of with the rear motor!
It starts with Micro and ends with Sidewinder....
didn't look to bad man . slow down threw the gates an look out for the green balls lol.
what did you think of that setup an how did it fill to you