It's true. I've tried to deny it. I've tried to justify it. But in the end... I think there's something "off" about my obsession with stockpiling boxes. Lord knows that when plastic storage tubs and containers became a thing decades ago, that I thought it would cure my addiction. And it has to some extent curbed my box-hoarding... making life so much easier in some ways. But damned if I'm not still utterly beguiled by certain boxes. I love the different sizes, weights, thicknesses, and even manufacturing methods. Some are so heavy-duty that I feel given a bit larger dimensions and I'd have the perfect coffin for myself... eventually.
I guess in my defense, I've shipped a ton of stuff over the years just as I've received a lot of stuff, so they do get used for more than just storage or taking up space. But I swear, when I come across a nice box or one that is uniquely shaped, etc... I have a hard time letting it go.
To compound this addiction, I also should confess here that I also tend to stockpile foam and bubble wrap. Same thing... I use packing material so whenever I get some good stuff, I keep it. But thankfully the foam and bubble wrap is to a lesser extent. I have [only] one large box of each!
Okay... So what about anyone else? I'm now wondering who else has a tendency to save certain useful things. I'm not talking about collecting bobble-heads or Hot Wheels. And I'm not talking about nuts/ bolts/ screws/ zip-ties/ etc. I have to assume that we all have parts bins full of that stuff. I'd guess also a lot of metal, plastic, rubber... if you're like me.
And I could probably also phrase this as "What do you have a bunch of that your wife would have no problem with you throwing out?" lol. But yeah... anyone else have an issue with hoarding practical items? I know this thread might die but it would be cool to see some others chime in here. At the very least it might make me feel a bit less crazy... knowing that there are others out there that appreciate this kind of practicality!
After needing some more storage space last week, I did make some progress in getting rid of a few dozen boxes but it wasn't easy to choose what ones would make the grade and stay on for another term lol. This is maybe a third of em and doesn't include my larger ones that are stored in the garage.
And yes... Inside the boxes... more boxes!

I guess in my defense, I've shipped a ton of stuff over the years just as I've received a lot of stuff, so they do get used for more than just storage or taking up space. But I swear, when I come across a nice box or one that is uniquely shaped, etc... I have a hard time letting it go.
To compound this addiction, I also should confess here that I also tend to stockpile foam and bubble wrap. Same thing... I use packing material so whenever I get some good stuff, I keep it. But thankfully the foam and bubble wrap is to a lesser extent. I have [only] one large box of each!
Okay... So what about anyone else? I'm now wondering who else has a tendency to save certain useful things. I'm not talking about collecting bobble-heads or Hot Wheels. And I'm not talking about nuts/ bolts/ screws/ zip-ties/ etc. I have to assume that we all have parts bins full of that stuff. I'd guess also a lot of metal, plastic, rubber... if you're like me.
And I could probably also phrase this as "What do you have a bunch of that your wife would have no problem with you throwing out?" lol. But yeah... anyone else have an issue with hoarding practical items? I know this thread might die but it would be cool to see some others chime in here. At the very least it might make me feel a bit less crazy... knowing that there are others out there that appreciate this kind of practicality!
After needing some more storage space last week, I did make some progress in getting rid of a few dozen boxes but it wasn't easy to choose what ones would make the grade and stay on for another term lol. This is maybe a third of em and doesn't include my larger ones that are stored in the garage.

And yes... Inside the boxes... more boxes!