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2016 MNRCRC Schedule Planning


RCC Addict
Apr 3, 2006
Step 1 - We first need to identify the dates that we need to avoid. I'm looking for things like holidays and big events that will pull #'s from our club (i.e. Crawl for a Cure). We should also note other major events that we need to work around. A good example would be knowing when Grandma's Marathon is and not scheduling anything in Duluth that weekend. I'll start us off and keep adding as I think of more. But if you know of something, please post and I'll keep the O.P. updated.

**Phase 2** (2/7/16)
Next, we need to decide what weekends to hold the 12 events on. We normally try to avoid back-to-back weekends, as well as going more than 3 weeks between events. We'll decide what events next, right now just what weekends. I laid out what I think will work in Blue. Let me know what you think.

**Phase 3** (2/13/16)
Next step is to layout what type of event and location. I've found that doing these at the same time usually works best to help see the big picture. Green

**Edited three locations for scaler GTG's. These are in Orange.***

10 - Test 'n Tune - Taylor's Falls
17 - Event - Comp 1 - Taylor's Falls

1 - Event - Comp 2 - Taylor's Falls
8 - Mother's Day
22 - Event - Scaler GTG - Byron
29 - Memorial Day Weekend

5 - Event - Comp 3 - Taylor's Falls
19 - Father's Day
26 - Event - Comp 4 - Duluth - Break Wall

3 - Independence Day Weekend
10 - Event - Scaler GTG - Quarry Hill
30 - Event - Comp 5 - Taylor's Falls (Battle At The Border)

14 - Event - Comp 6 - Duluth - Thompson Dam
28 - Event - Scaler GTG - Sandstone

4 - Labor Day Weekend
18 - Event - Comp 7 - Taylor's Falls

2 - Event - Comp (Finals) - Taylor's Falls
30 - Howl Krawl - Taylor's Falls

Notable Event Dates:

Arizona Summer Shootout April 29 thru May 1
mn4wda spring convention (Gilbert mn) May 14th-15th
national trails day Gilbert June 4th
C.H. Robinson Duluth to Mpls MS 150 Bike Race-June 10 thru 12
East Coast Championship June 10, 11, & 12
Grandma's Marathon-Duluth MN-June 18th
Crawl for a Cure-July 14th thru 17th
Northeast National Championship July 15-17th
Carlton Daze-Carlton MN-Last full weekend in July
Tall Ship event in Duluth Aug 18 thru 21
rock rash? October 1st-2nd
RC Crawling Worlds - Oct 14 thru 16 (but in France)
donleys woods (rrr Rochester) Oct 15th-16th
Toys for Tots 1:1 Trail Ride-Byron MN-Usually the 3rd weekend in October
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I know Barry, Nick, Josh, and myself will be gone for Nenc, and Ecc and battlegrounds if they have it. Anyone that would like to go with us get a hold of me so we know who all is interested.

Here are some of the big 1-1 wheeling events that I know of.

14th-15th mn4wda spring convention (Gilbert mn)
4th national trails day Gilbert
1st-2nd rock rash?
15th-16th donleys woods (rrr Rochester)

Thanks Kevin for getting this started, hopefully we will be able to make all the events. Depending on when and where I get a job when i graduate in May.(Look out, there is going to be another one of those Enginerds:flipoff:)
Step 1 - We first need to identify the dates that we need to avoid. I'm looking for things like holidays and big events that will pull #'s from our club (i.e. Crawl for a Cure). We should also note other major events that we need to work around. A good example would be knowing when Grandma's Marathon is and not scheduling anything in Duluth that weekend. I'll start us off and keep adding as I think of more. But if you know of something, please post and I'll keep the O.P. updated.

10 - comp

1 - comp
8 - Mother's Day
15 - byron g6
29 - Memorial Day Weekend

5 - comp - duluth
19 - Father's Day
26 - northern mn g6

3 - Independence Day Weekend
10 - comp
31 - comp

14 - comp - duluth
28 - byron - g6

4 - Labor Day Weekend
18 - comp but do on Saturday as a border battle and add sporty class

2 - comp - finals
23 - howl crawl

Notable Event Dates:
C.H. Robinson Duluth to Mpls MS 150 Bike Race-June 10 thru 12
Grandma's Marathon-Duluth MN-June 18th
Crawl for a Cure-July 14th thru 17th
Carlton Daze-Carlton MN-Last full weekend in July
RC Crawling Worlds - Oct 14 thru 16 (but in France)
East Coast Championship June 10, 11, & 12
Northeast National Championship July 15-17th
Arizona Summer Shootout April 29 thru May 1
Toys for Tots 1:1 Trail Ride-Byron MN-Usually the 3rd weekend in October
Tall Ship event in Duluth Auth 18 thru 21

This was just a idea, feel free to comment your feelings "thumbsup"
Bearing in mind Josh's post, the schedule that Nerby posted works for me EXCEPT for the May 15th Byron and Oct. 2nd Finals. Both those we will be doing 1:1 events.

Thanks for getting the ball rolling Kevin!
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This was just a idea, feel free to comment your feelings "thumbsup"

Thanks for your suggestion."thumbsup" Couple thoughts...

-If we push the first comp forward a week, we could also throw in a casual test n tune on the 10th.
-I wouldn't feel comfortable holding an event at Byron if Bill & Josh can't be there.
-The "BATTLE AT THE BORDER" (not border battle) would probably have a better turn out if it was before school started. I'm thinking July or Aug.
-I think the "HOWL KRAWL" (not crawl) should be the day before Halloween rather than a week before.

And yes, I am going to be a stickler about the names above. In bold and underlined are the names that we have been using for 10 years!!!:flipoff:

Check the first post for my phase 2 (blue)
Here are some of the big 1-1 wheeling events that I know of.

14th-15th mn4wda spring convention (Gilbert mn)
4th national trails day Gilbert
1st-2nd rock rash?
15th-16th donleys woods (rrr Rochester)

Thanks Kevin for getting this started, hopefully we will be able to make all the events. Depending on when and where I get a job when i graduate in May.(Look out, there is going to be another one of those Enginerds:flipoff:)

Thanks Josh. I'll add those dates to the O.P.
Thanks for your suggestion."thumbsup" Couple thoughts...

-If we push the first comp forward a week, we could also throw in a casual test n tune on the 10th.
-I wouldn't feel comfortable holding an event at Byron if Bill & Josh can't be there.
-The "BATTLE AT THE BORDER" (not border battle) would probably have a better turn out if it was before school started. I'm thinking July or Aug.
-I think the "HOWL KRAWL" (not crawl) should be the day before Halloween rather than a week before.

And yes, I am going to be a stickler about the names above. In bold and underlined are the names that we have been using for 10 years!!!:flipoff:

Check the first post for my phase 2 (blue)

Can we move the event from June 12th to the 5th ECC is that weekend and I know 4 of us will be gone for it or make it one of the g6 events. Thanks
Wouldn't the July 31 event be on the 30th if it is to be the Battle at the Border?
Looks really good.
Yeah, it would be best to have the Battle At The Border on a Saturday. I just have everything on Sundays for now while we hash out the particulars."thumbsup"
Suggested changes made in red.

Step 1 - We first need to identify the dates that we need to avoid. I'm looking for things like holidays and big events that will pull #'s from our club (i.e. Crawl for a Cure). We should also note other major events that we need to work around. A good example would be knowing when Grandma's Marathon is and not scheduling anything in Duluth that weekend. I'll start us off and keep adding as I think of more. But if you know of something, please post and I'll keep the O.P. updated.

**Phase 2** (2/7/16)
Next, we need to decide what weekends to hold the 12 events on. We normally try to avoid back-to-back weekends, as well as going more than 3 weeks between events. We'll decide what events next, right now just what weekends. I laid out what I think will work in Blue. Let me know what you think.

**Phase 3** (2/13/16)
Next step is to layout what type of event and location. I've found that doing these at the same time usually works best to help see the big picture. Green

10 - Test 'n Tune - Taylor's Falls
17 - Event - Comp 1 - Taylor's Falls

1 - Event - Comp 2 - Taylor's Falls
8 - Mother's Day
22 - Event - Scaler GTG - Byron(?)
29 - Memorial Day Weekend

5 - Event - Comp 3 - Taylor's Falls
19 - Father's Day
26 - Event - Comp 4 - Duluth

3 - Independence Day Weekend
10 - Event - Scaler GTG - Stillwater, Boomsite?
31 - Event - Comp 5 - Taylor's Falls (Battle At The Border?)

14 - Event - Comp 6 - Duluth
28 - Event - Scaler GTG - Sandstone

4 - Labor Day Weekend
18 - Event - Comp 7 - Taylor's Falls

9 - Event - Comp (Finals) - Taylor's Falls
30 - Howl Krawl - Taylor's Falls

Notable Event Dates:

Arizona Summer Shootout April 29 thru May 1
mn4wda spring convention (Gilbert mn) May 14th-15th
national trails day Gilbert June 4th
C.H. Robinson Duluth to Mpls MS 150 Bike Race-June 10 thru 12
East Coast Championship June 10, 11, & 12
Grandma's Marathon-Duluth MN-June 18th
Crawl for a Cure-July 14th thru 17th
Northeast National Championship July 15-17th
Carlton Daze-Carlton MN-Last full weekend in July
Tall Ship event in Duluth Aug 18 thru 21
rock rash? October 1st-2nd
RC Crawling Worlds - Oct 14 thru 16 (but in France)
donleys woods (rrr Rochester) Oct 15th-16th
Toys for Tots 1:1 Trail Ride-Byron MN-Usually the 3rd weekend in October