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2019 MNRCRC Rules - Complete


Rock Crawler
May 19, 2012
After the winter meeting for this upcoming season I was asked to put together a complete set of rules vs. just the changes year over year. Here they are.

MNRCRC Club Rules

Minnesota Radio Control Rock Crawling club is a group of people from the Greater Minneapolis Twin Cities area. Our members are passionate about the R/C hobby and enabling it to grow in the community along with sharing our knowledge to newcomers and veterans alike. The club was founded in 2006 and has had a strong supportive and competitive group of members that keep pushing the hobby and each other forward. Several club members have competed nationally over the years and brought home lots of hardware, including many first place championships.

The club coordinates and hosts Rock Crawling competitions throughout the summer and, just recently, the winter months. In addition we host TTC (Top Truck Challenge) events each year to see who has the baddest trucks in region. Our primary location for any crawling competition is the Interstate State Park in Taylors Falls, Mn. We also hold several events in and around the Duluth area.

Competitions incorporate both pure Competition crawler classes and Scale crawler classes. Providing an arena for everyone in the hobby. All penalty and scoring aligns to the WRCCA penalty and scoring rules.

The most important thing for any new people interested in the idea of competitive RC crawling is that although we have all these rules and requirements, our #1 goal is for everyone to have fun! Don't worry if your rig doesn't comply 100% or have all the scale points. Please come, give competitive RC crawling a try and talk with the other folks. You will find a group of people willing to help and a wealth of knowledge about RC crawling and how to make the best rigs possible.

Competition Day Format
Entry fee for an event is $5 the day of event. Or you can pay for an entire season ($30). This entry fee facilities the entire day of competition for as many classes as you come to compete in. New for 2019 we will run our traditional schedule on comp days for most of the season but we will be adding comp only and scale only comp days. Traditional comp dates will include 2 course runs for each class. Comp only and Scale only comp dates will have 5-6 courses per class.
  • Traditional comp day schedule running order – Class 3, Class 2, 2.2 Pro, 2.2 Sportsman
  • Comp only dates running order – 2.2 Pro, 2.2 Sportsman, 1.9 Mini, Super Class
  • Scale only dates running order – Class 3, Class 2, (Class 1 - TBD)

Competition Crawling Class

Competition Crawling Rules

Pro/Mod 2.2
These vehicles are strictly competition based and designed for the sole purpose of rock crawling and must adhere to the WRCCA “Pro” class rules. Typically these vehicles utilize MOA (motor on axle) drivetrain. One exception is a shaft driven competition crawler with a DIG unit installed.

Sportsman/Shafty 2.2
These vehicles are strictly competition based and designed for the sole purpose of rock crawling and must adhere to the WRCCA “Sportsman” class rules. These vehicles only have 1 drive motor and are shaft driven.

1.9 Mini
These vehicles are strictly competition based and designed for the sole purpose of rock crawling and must adhere to the WRCCA “Mini” class rules.

Super Class
These vehicles are strictly competition based and designed for the sole purpose of rock crawling and must adhere to the WRCCA “Super” class rules.

Scale Crawling Classes

Scale Vehicle Rules:
For Scale classes, we adhere to the vehicle design rules in the latest SORRCA rules for Class 2 and Class 3 vehicle design. Although we require that your rig has scale points, these are not used to change your point totals on any run.


For Class 2 vehicles, we require that your vehicle has 30 scale points (as defined in the SORRCA scoring guideline)

For Class 3 vehicles, we require that your vehicle has 30 scale points (as defined in the SORRCA scoring guideline)

Use the SORRCA scale point calculator to evaluate your rig.


Scale Vehicle Class Definitions:
Class 2
AKA: Trail. A stock vehicle that has been modified to become a capable trail rated rig and is not necessarily street legal. This class is perfect for an Axial SCX10.2, Traxxas TRX-4, Vaterra Ascender, Gmade BOM, Cross RC Demon, Redcat Gen7/8, etc. The vehicle is limited to tires that are 4.75” or smaller in diameter.

Class 3
AKA: Modified An off-road vehicle that you would build from the ground up and might see in a TTC/KOH type competition. This class is best fit for customized Axial/Traxxas/Vaterra/HPI/etc rigs with larger tires or an Axial Wraith/Bomber, Gmade GOM, etc. The vehicle is limited to tires that are 5.75” or smaller in diameter.

TTC – 1.9
Similar to class 2 competition crawling class. However, no limitations on steering axles or other features. Also, winching will be allowed from provided winching anchor points. Tires must be 1.9 inner diameter.

TTC – 2.2
Similar to class 3 competition crawling class. Very few limitations. Motor on Axle rigs are allowed. Winching is allowed from provided anchor points. Tires must be 2.2 inner diameter.

Exceptions/Clarifications from published SORRCA rules for scale trucks
  • While winching is allowed and encouraged during competition – anchoring of the winch hook is the responsibility of the driver only (no spotter or friend help). The anchor must be affixed to a natural object (branch/root/rock/stone/etc) placed by the driver using either the integrated hook or a land anchor (pull pall style anchor). If anchor comes loose and you reposition, this counts as a second winch penalty. No anchoring to a persons shoe or hand or another vehicle.
  • In Class 3, rear axle steering and Dig functionality are allowed. These do NOT incur any penalty for using (except the extra weight of these items on your rig). If your Class 2 rig has this functionality installed, you cannot use them during competition.
  • Your scale truck must run in the class it was intended for (i.e. you cannot run a Class 2 truck in both Class 2 and 3, you have to chose one or the other)