Well, Zippoman was correct in his likely percentage! BUT, I's REC's 15th Anniversary this year, and I can't believe that....So some things will change this year.
I'll be opening an Ebay store, which will allow me to make a little more product & thereby some things that would not make the re-re cut could be doable. If I can offer a few more of something on the 'bay, it might up the total I think would sell, and I'll be re-popping a few choice bits for the Anniversary. I've always wanted to redo these since no one else ever has, and try to get the cost down a bit also. So these MIGHT be possible, as usual, no promises but chaps letting me know they dig the idea makes a lot of difference! I listen to my customers a LOT.
I may also be working with a big name in RC parts to make my stuff available- Still on a Ltd. basis (They'd order X amount & likely those would be it,) but again, this bodes well for a few products.
So it's a definite Maybe! When I look ay my Wraith, the interior is Muy Bitchin'......Chris REC