Rock Stacker
Is there a write up anywhere about how to remove slop/play from the front axle? I tried searching bit came up with nothing since I'm unsure of what to search for
Is there a write up anywhere about how to remove slop/play from the front axle? I tried searching bit came up with nothing since I'm unsure of what to search for
Is there a write up anywhere about how to remove slop/play from the front axle? I tried searching bit came up with nothing since I'm unsure of what to search for
HHObbies great motor will be slower then that axial motor your using man. But heaps more torque toI am sure u read the stickies on th turns ...tell ya what I am thinking of doing is getting a kit to take all that flex out of the wraith ...
You just have to go up in the gearing and watch temps. If you've gone too far, lower the gear ratio.Thank you Harley and everyone for all the info. I have read through this sticky oh I would say at least 6 or 7 times to wrap my head around the sequence of upgrades for my Axial Spawn. After beating the tar out of it with stock setup I knew this is the part of RC I wanted to stay with (been doing RC for 30 years now). I took the advice of getting a MMB Pro set it up with reverse rotation then slapped the HH TrailMaster BL Sport 540 2700KV motor on 2s. Runs like a Brahma bull. Jonathan from HH was awesome for all the info he gave me. I would like to run it on 3S just for some quick trailing. To get just a little more top end for this what would be my end point for tooth count on the pinion without messing up the stock tranny and overheating the motor?
Something around there.Thanks gbean. For brushless I still want to keep it below 160 degrees F correct?
I don't but I'm interested to hear what the outcome is when you try one.
Has anyone cut spawn body to have hinged hood? I want to move battery up front but do not want to remove body every time you change battery.