So I didn't really have the "right" hardware to make this work and got tired of waiting. Also, my rc budget is basically non-existent so I decided to get creative/ghetto fabulous.
used pieces of hanger for links:
I originally had a crazy motor mount setup made out of whatever I could find. yes, those are L-brackets:
the axle angles were good but the bolts sticking out of the bottom were gone. my drill recently died and I don't have a vice or hacksaw. I live in a condo so my work space is pretty, restricted, I guess:
so I decided that when all else fails, zip ties:
and yes, that is a brushless motor. because if it's going to be ridiculous and terrible, why not also make it fun?
one more look:
for this reason I have decided to call this build "Zippy".
I hid the battery under the hood, sandwiched between the frame and the body. at this point I just wanted to see my frankenstein work so I zip-tied the electronics on the back:
I guess my links weren't even/it is a terrible system so we had a bit of lean in the front end:
okay, a lot of lean:
and an undershot of the rear end:
here are two crappy videos I shot before work. I'll try to get an outdoor video soon. also for some reason there seems to be a really long pause between forwards and backwards. I assume it's because it's a brushless motor but I'm not too sure.
Video 1:
Video 2:
all in all it's pretty fun but I don't know if I want to put the (minimal, I know) money into doing it right. I think I'll probably just put the stock slickrock back together and throw it on ebay with the C14 parts to raise money towards a mega truck/monster truck project that I can do right.