RCC Addict
I've never heard of titanium-coated gears. I've heard of titanium-nitride coated gears (dull gold color), or titanium-carbonitride coated gears (flat gray color), which are definitely an improvement over bare aluminum, but those are both ceramic coatings that just happen to have titanium as a chemical component, the same way white porcelain has aluminum as a chemical component.i have heard there is no such thing as a full titanium gear in a servo, just titanium coated....have i misunderstood or been told wrong?
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I use the Hitec HS-7955TG servo to steer everything except my touring cars. The official spec sheet says they have titanium gears. I admit I've never cut one of the gears in half to see if it's titanium all the way through, but it would honestly be more trouble than it's worth to make aluminum gears and then vapor-deposit a thin layer of titanium onto them. Titanium has a VERY high melting point.
EDIT: ...and titanium vapor is stupendously reactive. It would bond to everything in the vacuum chamber and present a significant fire hazard if it somehow leaked out. Titanium is so reactive it will actually burn in an all-nitrogen atmosphere (producing the aforementioned titanium-nitride coating), which is even more remarkable because a nitrogen atom usually hates to be chemically bonded to anything except another nitrogen atom. Fortunately, that spontaneously-forming oxide or nitride layer is stupendously inert, so that chemicals strong enough to set concrete on fire can be safely stored in titanium bottles.
HS-7955TG High Torque, Titanium Gear, Coreless Ultra Premium Servo | HITEC RCD USA
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