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West Coast RC Crawlers presents TTC #2 March 31st, 2012

Here's what you can look forward too:

a big thank you to Krawler Konceptz for her support of our club. i have bought several items from her and recently we worked out some mini banners to have around the courses at the TTC. they arrived today and i can say they are very sweet and will add a nice touch to any scale event. thanks alot Michelle "thumbsup"
This is what you covet. This years "TTC CHAMPION" will receive the trophy mug to remind himself how bad ass he is every time he sits down to have a large class of his favorite beverage "thumbsup" and a nice cash purse as well! Good luck YOUR GOING TO NEED IT!

now if Matt gives me first place again, ....I'm keeping it

well if you don't finish in first place and the award was given to by mistake ,I will be first in line to pry it out of your hands.:mrgreen:
OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!! man that hurts. 1.5 yrs and STILL bitter. DAMN!!!!!!!!! no worries....tallies WILL BE CORRECT.
ZoSo you "AIN'T gonna win"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOOOOOOOOOOOO many bad asses out there this year!!!!!!!!! no tears this year on the hill climb..ok??????????? LMAO
who was digging that hole anyway?
damn I had to return from Vegas to give the money back
and I was on a winning streak
just messin with ya Matt
I knew I didn't have that great of a score
but hey....I'm still the first loser
can't wait for the TTC 2012
here's what were in for:

<object width="640" height="480"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/RD-FN7EDcvw?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/RD-FN7EDcvw?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="480" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Hill Climb (pic from TTC #1) It looks sooooooooooooo easy doesn't it ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????


By tappedout at 2012-03-22
big thanks to Pro-Line Racing for supporting our club and donating some scale goodies and banners
Just when you guys thought this event couldn't get any better Don Hughes calls me up and tells me that one of our club Sponsors "Proline Racing" has donated some last minute prizes to the TTC!!!!

We will be adding these scale packages to the already stacked list of prizes to be given away at this years "Tough Truck Challenge" compliments of ProlineRacing.com

PN 6074-00 Retail Price $22.95

PN 6075-00 Retail Price $22.95

PN 6072-00 Retail Price $24.95

PN 6073-00 Retail Price $22.95

Thanks again to Proline Racing (and Don Hughes) for your continued support of WCRCC!
Jim, please take my name of the list (25. Huffpie =Glenn), I will not be able to go. Have fun guys, I will be looking forward to seeing shutterbugs pics.
Jim, please take my name of the list (25. Huffpie =Glenn), I will not be able to go. Have fun guys, I will be looking forward to seeing shutterbugs pics.

Bummer, sad to hear that Glenn

Sat. is coming up quick, cant wait for my first TTC:shock: