Where is it located?
Where is it located?
Where is it located?
Here is the GTG thread with the address:
So when are we gonna see some more pics and vids from this past weekend... Joe, Chris?? Man I wish I hadn't forgotten my camera.:x Let's see some of those vids too, then everyone can see what this place is like. "thumbsup" Anyone heard anything more about December 15th?
Could who ever is in charge of VARCOR please pm me.
Ok guys. It looks like we are going back to Fredericksburg on December 15th. This GTG will be for jason to present Zach with his crawler and JasonInAugusta will be there to do a story for RCDriver.
It would be great if as many of us as possible could be there for a nice time crawling with Zach and friends. The plan right now looks like we will try and start around 10:00 am again. We'll do some crawling, and then go somewhere to eat for lunch, and then crawl some more. The more people we get out the better, this is going to be another great time and to be able to meet up with Zach and watch him drive that truck is going to be priceless.
So if you can make it, post up ASAP or PM me.