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Udder Butter


Rock Crawler
Dec 11, 2016
So I won a tub of udder butter grease @ the last held Ultimate scale truck expo and have been using it in several builds and it's just not holding up as well as i thought it would. It slings off kinda easy it seems and maybe only good for about 3-5 packs in the crawlers. Anyone else have similar experience? May have to go back to Hudy graphite grease and that seems to hold onto the ring/pinion gears better

I need a grease that is safe for plastics and not wanting to use petroleum-based ones. And some other grease like red and tacky is too hard to clean off i've found after using it on some RC4WD diffs.

Looking for something as good as Hudy Graphite without the crazy cost of it.
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I've used the Hudy graphite but as we all know... it's simply too expensive. Although not quite as ridiculously priced, Traxxas, Associated, etc... are all high too considering the small quantities. These days I just use automotive/ marine grease but I usually don't pack in a ton... just enough to liberally distribute into the gears. Never had any issues with petroleum-based damaging plastics.
Yeah i may just end up using Hudy stuff on any vintage RC where the plastic can break down and then the cheap green grease i use on my fullsize stuff that comes from autozone on everything else. But i have a feeling that green stuff will be about as good as the udder butter over time...i'll see what happens.
I bought one of those big syringes of Udder Butter a couple years ago. Its ok. It isnt as sticky as some of the other greases out there so a lot does sling off, but it seems to leave enough of a film on there to do the job. The syringe is a pretty nice applicator.
I bought one of those big syringes of Udder Butter a couple years ago. Its ok. It isnt as sticky as some of the other greases out there so a lot does sling off, but it seems to leave enough of a film on there to do the job. The syringe is a pretty nice applicator.
My expectations are probably too high...thinking it will stick like the graphite stuff. And yeah, all you need is light film anyways i guess.
I'll try mixing in a small amount of graphite and see what happens.
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