Quarry Creeper
You know what, when I was writing "the only thing wrong with it was pilot error", I was thinking to myself, that I seem to remember the same issue happening after I reseated the tx battery connector when flying my Blade 130X (resulting in a crash). But then I started to doubt my memory gave the DX7s the benefit of the doubt, hence why I wrote what I wrote. But reading your post has got me wondering again whether that particular 130X crash truly was after I'd reseated the battery connector. To be fair, I've crashed that 130X countless times trying out new stuff (or sometimes just due to me being a muppet - I went through a lot of spares!), but the reason why that specific crash sticks in my mind is because I was convinced it wasn't my fault and thought I'd already fixed seating of the battery connector.
Like you, I have never had the slightest issue with my Futaba TX/RX's and I've been really pleased with them. For RC cars I have the Futaba 3PL, but I can't use it with the TRX-4 because it doesn't have enough channels. I did think about changing it for a Futaba with more channels when I have a little more cash to spend, but can't find one with a wheel on it that has more than 4 channels, or at least if I could I expect it would be more than I'd want to spend. Gotta say though, that Flysky GT-5 you have looks perfect and great value for money!
Back on the battery charger front, the voltages aren't aligning as well as I'd like; on the same pack, sometimes, it's better than others (it changes over the cycle), a couple of times I've seen perfect alignment whilst charging, but then the next charge of the same pack, it's out again - I'll note that each time I've charged a pack, I've disconnected it, used it in the TRX-4 and then connected it back to the charger to either storage charge it or charge it for use again. Although the charger has the option, I've not used the charge/discharge cycle option. I might get a new pack and see how closely that aligns, but I'm thinking it's probably more likely the charger than the packs at the moment. I have noticed that turning the charge cable banana plugs in the charger's output connectors affects the displayed voltage by up to 150mV, so maybe there is some connector corrosion in the charger. The cable looks perfect, but I haven't checked the connector on the charger. I'm going to check for breaks in the cable and after that, I might take it apart to take a look. If all else fails, I'll think about getting a new charger (kind of reluctant until I know it's definitely an issue with the charger that can't be easily resolved).
I have a friend who flies a Blade 200(SX or X, don't quite remember) using a DX8 I think but could be the newer DX6. It was a black case. One day he was just hovering about 50 ft out and the heli just dropped out of the sky for no reason. The battery was fully charged and it happened no less than a minute into the flight. I have seen other club members who had planes/helis just not being able to be controlled by a Spektrum Tx.
As for your batteries, do you know anyone near by that may have a lipo charger with a display so you can check the various voltages? Another alternative is what you said, just get a new battery and see how it behaves on your iCharger. Just get a cheapie $15-$20 2S 5000 mAh on Amazon. I still say it's the packs and not your iCharger. Remember the many years sitting in dormancy!

BTW, Nightcrawler48 does make some very good points.
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