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Topher Builds an IFS Baja Bug

Got some more gear in the mail today so it was time to wrench. This round I wanted some more wheel speed so I opted for a 12t trailmaster sport, running this on 3s in the HW1080 which is technically out of its recommended range but want to see how it will do before spending money on going brushless.

Also added some SSD RC Yeti trailing arms as they seemed appropriate here. It effectively stretched the wheelbase out to about 12.6”, maybe a hair longer. Then I put some traxxas blue springs up front to soften the suspension and see how it articulates without as much spring there. And lowered the rear shocks to the lower link mount location.

Stoked to get my knuckles!!! THanks for the hookup!

No problem Ben! "thumbsup"


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This round I wanted some more wheel speed so I opted for a 12t trailmaster sport, running this on 3s in the HW1080 which is technically out of its recommended range but want to see how it will do before spending money on going brushless.

OMG it's going to axplode!!!!!1

Or just totally shred. :twisted:
Completely different look than Hoppers last ride! I like it!

Trailing arms look great on there! I like the direction you are taking it!"thumbsup"
Trailing arms look great poking out from under there...


OMG it's going to axplode!!!!!1

Or just totally shred. :twisted:


Completely different look than Hoppers last ride! I like it!

Trailing arms look great on there! I like the direction you are taking it!"thumbsup"

Thanks BMow! I like how completely different it is from the rest of the fleet now, when two weeks ago it was almost too similar to the others.
Hey Topher Build, I not sure I'm going to do a build thread for my IFS truck so if I may I'm going to post how I added a sway bar to my truck. "thumbsup"

I came up with an easy add on to a IFS rig.

This is a Dlux sway bar I've had for several years.

So I added some parts from one of my old goody box. along with Erik's kit and came up with this. And just a little note, I used the existing holes in the frame rails.

I started by adding a SSD Diamond axle kit, next I flipped over the link/shock mount, this helped in not having to stack the link, shock and connecting link all on the same mounting location. And no to binding on the shock!! Everything is tight but it is all free moving.

Everything clears on the body!

And tires and wheels fit fine.

I just thought I would put this here because the topic of sway bars came up in your thread. "thumbsup"
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CODYBOY to the rescue again, always has the engineering tricks and tweaks to offer up... "thumbsup"

Awesome looking rig, looking forward to seeing that Creep painted!
I like how the IFS kit has people building in all different kinds of directions. I've enjoyed everybody's take on it so far. "thumbsup"
Sway bar looks great Ernie!"thumbsup"

Nice design! Thanks for posting the pics!

I'll have to keep that in mind for my future IFS build!
Hey Topher, how'd that 12t work out for ya? I had my enduro out this morning for the first time, and could do with some more speed as well.
Hey Topher, how'd that 12t work out for ya? I had my enduro out this morning for the first time, and could do with some more speed as well.

I haven’t ran it other than on my living floor but it was much faster. I don’t have a good feel for start up yet but I could tell it suffered a bit compared to the 5 slot, which is totally expected. I think it will be OK but need to get some extended hands on time with it.
I put some traxxas blue springs up front to soften the suspension and see how it articulates without as much spring there.

I'm curious to know why you chose to go with Traxxas Blue Springs (TRA8045) up front. The specs I have on those show they are pretty darn stiff springs (at the top of the TRX-4 spring range): .61 N/mm or 3.48 lbs./in. Does the IFS kit really require that stiff of a spring up front? How stiff are the front springs that come with the IFS kit?

I just bought a Enduro Builders Kit and IFS Conversion kit, and plan to make good use of my time by building a new rig while sheltering in place.
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I'm curious to know why you chose to go with Traxxas Blue Springs (TRA8045) up front. The specs I have on those show they are pretty darn stiff springs (at the top of the TRX-4 spring range): .61 N/mm or 3.48 lbs./in. Does the IFS kit really require that stiff of a spring up front? How stiff are the front springs that come with the IFS kit?

I just bought a Enduro Builders Kit and IFS Conversion kit, and plan to make good use of my time by building a new rig while sheltering in place.

I can’t remember where I found the specs at, but the springs that come in the IFS kit are about 10% firmer than the traxxas blue. I happened to have the blue around and did a feel test and decided to give them a shot. Haven’t been back out with the rig yet as I have family in town but hopefully in the next couple weeks.
Looking good! I guess I need to build something IFS, still have my stock kit chassis laying around.;-)
I can’t remember where I found the specs at, but the springs that come in the IFS kit are about 10% firmer than the traxxas blue. I happened to have the blue around and did a feel test and decided to give them a shot. Haven’t been back out with the rig yet as I have family in town but hopefully in the next couple weeks.

You're absolutely right. They list the spring rate at 4.75 lb./in. in the IFS manual. So Traxxas Blues would definitely be softer.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything in my spare parts inventory with a spring rate that high. Time to place another order. Is it a sign of addiction (or just inexperience) if you have orders coming in from both AMain and RPP, and are going back to place a third order before they even arrive?
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Looks like a well thought out build Topher! You have some stunning terrain to play in, that last climb in your video appears pretty epic. How stable do you figure the IFS on the Element platform would be at more moderate-high speeds with a sensored setup?
Thanks all! Good timing on waking this back up as I finally got this one out for a little bit over the weekend, being Element’s birthday this past weekend it seemed appropriate to break this bad boy out.

The verdict? Still fun as heck. I really like this rig and how different it is from the others. The 12T motor definitely woke it up, but at the cost of low end throttle control. I’ll deal though, it’s more fun for the Baja bug to have a little whiskey in the throttle

Traxxas blue springs did very well, much better than the stock IMO. I’ll be keeping the blues on for sure.

Here’s a pic below and a clip I posted from the weekend. Didn’t really get any other pics or video since I wasn’t out too long but I’ll get more sometime soon.

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Looking good! I guess I need to build something IFS, still have my stock kit chassis laying around.;-)

Do itttt. Would be cool to see!

You're absolutely right. They list the spring rate at 4.75 lb./in. in the IFS manual. So Traxxas Blues would definitely be softer.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything in my spare parts inventory with a spring rate that high. Time to place another order. Is it a sign of addiction (or just inexperience) if you have orders coming in from both AMain and RPP, and are going back to place a third order before they even arrive?

Thanks for confirming! And nah, not an addiction haha. If you can afford it and use the parts then treat yoself!

Nice idea. Did you have to modify something else to add those arms? and how about the axle, isn't it too angled to the drive shaft?

I had to switch the upper links out, since these trailing arms are much longer. IIRC I just moved the old lowers to the uppers and it worked out great.

Nice build, love the bug body.

Thanks! "thumbsup"

Looks like a well thought out build Topher! You have some stunning terrain to play in, that last climb in your video appears pretty epic. How stable do you figure the IFS on the Element platform would be at more moderate-high speeds with a sensored setup?

Thanks Smog! Definitely spoiled with terrain out here. That last clip is known as “the wall”. It’s visually impressive and a good bench mark. If one of my rigs can’t make it up there then I don’t want it. At this point, all of them do thankfully. As far as stability, it’s not too bad at speed. Certainly better than a straight axle but I think it needs a bit di width to really be able to fling it around at speed. Certainly an improvement to say the least.


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