Gettin’ back on the horse
This is the last event of the regular season and it will be at the Famous...
Red Rocks!
Red Rocks Elementary School in Morrison, the rocks we always play on are on the West side... But this even could be on the East side. :mrgreen:
Parking for this event will be either in the dirt pull off at entrance 3 to Red Rocks park or in the town of Morrison. Please park in a way that will allow the maximum number of vehicles to utilize the location.
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&aq=0&oq=red+rocks+eleme&sll=38.997934,-105.550567&sspn=7.348798,9.876709&ie=UTF8&hq=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&t=h&ll=39.65726,-105.197032&spn=0.01718,0.032015&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&aq=0&oq=red+rocks+eleme&sll=38.997934,-105.550567&sspn=7.348798,9.876709&ie=UTF8&hq=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&t=h&ll=39.65726,-105.197032&spn=0.01718,0.032015" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
Red Rocks Rules:
-No alcohol please.
-Everyone must sign a waiver or you will be trespassing.
The Usual's:
Registration and tech 8am, comp starts at 8:30.
All courses will be 4 to 6 minutes with 10+/- gates.
Drivers will need be ready for their course.
We will have Tutu Pro and Shafty class running. Supers?
We will have a driver cap over 40 for this event so show up and get your spot!!
Judges Test:
2013 USRCCA Rules & Judges Test
Remember, EVERYONE will be judging!
Colorado Winter Series 2012-2013 Information
-Series fee of $20 extended if you are looking to be included in the series scoring and the run for the Crawl-off and Nationals. Not required.
-Event fees are $5.00 per class, per event. Required to compete at the event.
Payout will be:
1st place=50%
2nd place=30%
3rd place=20%
Please post up if your coming or have any questions, or comments.
Hope to see you there!! "thumbsup"
Red Rocks!
Red Rocks Elementary School in Morrison, the rocks we always play on are on the West side... But this even could be on the East side. :mrgreen:
Parking for this event will be either in the dirt pull off at entrance 3 to Red Rocks park or in the town of Morrison. Please park in a way that will allow the maximum number of vehicles to utilize the location.
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&aq=0&oq=red+rocks+eleme&sll=38.997934,-105.550567&sspn=7.348798,9.876709&ie=UTF8&hq=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&t=h&ll=39.65726,-105.197032&spn=0.01718,0.032015&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&aq=0&oq=red+rocks+eleme&sll=38.997934,-105.550567&sspn=7.348798,9.876709&ie=UTF8&hq=Red+Rocks+Elementary+School,+Jefferson,+CO&t=h&ll=39.65726,-105.197032&spn=0.01718,0.032015" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
Red Rocks Rules:
-No alcohol please.
-Everyone must sign a waiver or you will be trespassing.
The Usual's:
Registration and tech 8am, comp starts at 8:30.
All courses will be 4 to 6 minutes with 10+/- gates.
Drivers will need be ready for their course.
We will have Tutu Pro and Shafty class running. Supers?
We will have a driver cap over 40 for this event so show up and get your spot!!
Judges Test:
2013 USRCCA Rules & Judges Test
Remember, EVERYONE will be judging!
Colorado Winter Series 2012-2013 Information
-Series fee of $20 extended if you are looking to be included in the series scoring and the run for the Crawl-off and Nationals. Not required.
-Event fees are $5.00 per class, per event. Required to compete at the event.
Payout will be:
1st place=50%
2nd place=30%
3rd place=20%
Please post up if your coming or have any questions, or comments.
Hope to see you there!! "thumbsup"