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The Canadian Open at the Crawloseum is CANCELLED

could someone please post the rules up for the scaler rigs? Can't find that anywhere
Much appreciated

For the scaler competition, USRCC 2.2 class rules will apply however you must be running 1.9 inch wheels and unmodified 1.9 tires and the body or bodiless chassis must look realistic and scale.

We are discussing winching and winch/anchor assists points, but that isn't ironed out yet.

GET REGISTERED - $10,000 is being given away here.
What is the status of this event since there appears to be only 7 competitors registered as of today, little more than a week away?
What is the status of this event since there appears to be only 7 competitors registered as of today, little more than a week away?

Well, your chances of winning some serious cash are in your favor! Good luck MNRCRC member. "thumbsup"
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Despite significant efforts by both Jason, myself, numerous manufacturer sponsors and others, DooHickey Hobbies has decided to cancel this year's Canadian Open due to non-participation. According to DooHickey Hobbies, all ticket sales (all 8 of them) will be refunded.

A number of factors led to this decision:<o:p></o:p>

  • 8 people at an International level competition is lame<o:p></o:p>
  • An event of this cost and scale cannot be justified with just over a half dozen competitors.<o:p></o:p>
  • Participation by the 30+ local Canadian crawlers and 40+ more within driving distance was assumed, but did not result in actual participants.<o:p></o:p>

Jason and I are both shaking our heads in stunned amazement that this entire event wasn't just huge and sold out immediately with a $10,000 purse up for grabs... the largest in crawler history. Maybe it was the whole "need a passport" thing, or too close to the World's, ... not really sure what the problem was, but I do know there are tons of Canadian crawler folks up there and this could and should have been a nearly sold out event just with the Canadian guys.

Solely from my perspective I have to jab a finger a bit at the Canadian guys here. Do you really think us US guys are willing to spend some significant $$ to travel, take time off of work, when the Canadian guys don't event think their own event is worth the effort to sign up for? The answer is a resounding NO. It's great that you all want some of the top guys to come up, but the reality is it isn't a cheap trip or easy trip (passport) for us and if we are just going to crawl with the same exact folks we see everywhere else in the US, then why make the trip?

You guys have a local hobby shop up there that is clearly trying, & spending hard cash to build a venue, hobby shop, and event all to strongly support the crawling segment. Geez support the guy will ya, what's the matter with you? We should have seen 50+ local ticket sales immediately when we made the tickets available. If $10,000 in cash won't motivate you to sign up for a local event, I am not sure what else could have been offered.

DooHickey Hobbies is really upset that no one wanted to compete both locally and from the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">US and is hoping that next year with more warning that the event will be a resounding success</st1:place></st1:country-region>. Maybe next year the Canadian clubs will really embrace the Canadian Open and make it a stellar event that the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">US</st1:place></st1:country-region> guys will die to get a chance to attend.
Well Damn...that sucks. Oh well, it was too close to worlds for me to justify time off from work and travel expenses to attend, but I am dissapointed it didn't go off as planned!!
$10,000 isn't going to persuade people when we have no confidence in the parties putting the event on yet. Crawlapalooza has no pay out, and sold out in 4 mins.....something to think about. Try baby steps, little events first, show us your capable.
Solely from my perspective I have to jab a finger a bit at the Canadian guys here. Do you really think us US guys are willing to spend some significant $$ to travel, take time off of work, when the Canadian guys don't event think their own event is worth the effort to sign up for? The answer is a resounding NO. It's great that you all want some of the top guys to come up, but the reality is it isn't a cheap trip or easy trip (passport) for us and if we are just going to crawl with the same exact folks we see everywhere else in the US, then why make the trip?

There was a lot of the local guys here ready to go, They did not want to pay online.
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bummer, i was really looking forward to this event. It sounds like timing definitely hurt the turnout. I hope you guys can put something else together and give me an excuse to come visit the North :mrgreen:

I posted in this thread shortly after the invites were sent out, but my post was deleted. I could not pull off a trip that far away with such short notice, you guys need to start advertising a event of this size at least 4 months in advance.

Crawlapalooza had their dates set last year, our club was even able to plan our season schedule around it. Worlds was assumed to be the 2nd weekend of September, but that changed and a lot of people had to cancel their plans for attending. Getting the word out there along with the dates early makes a huge difference.
ahh come on - those 8 people had a good chance at winning $10,000. I'm pretty sure they're bummed out. It would have been an easy comp, no one would have to wait in a long line to compete.
I too am very upset that this event did not go off as planned. Shep stepped up to the plate and offered some big things.

I think that once you guys get a few events under your belt, show people what you are made of, and give a few months notice the event can really be what you wanted it to be.

Say what you want. You know nothing of any of the local guys here.

It is obvious to see that the local guys did not step up and register for the event.

The Americans have the high airfare and passport thing to use as an excuse for not showing up. I'm not sure why the locals didn't step up.
Say what you want. You know nothing of any of the local guys here.

Not saying there isn't superb crawling talent in Canada, what I am saying is, the reason the event was canceled was due to lack of participation... i.e. 8 signed up, tons may have been interested, but the reality is they didn't sign up. When 30 or so spots were not sold right away to local Canadian crawlers it does send the wrong message to those that have to travel.

Harley is right, you have to build up a good crawling competition with a solid base of crawlers that will show up to competitions. I remember Gerame at Eritex red in the face pissed off that when we started there were only 3 or 4 guys showing up regularly, it takes time and commitment from the group/club so that you can count on heavy participation when a big event like this is planned.

I think timing and the whole passport thing really hurt the event. It was already rescheduled once previously, but the date and a lot of details were already set by the beginning of August when Jason and I got involved and didn't leave a lot of time to do much planning both from a competitive and planning perspective.

Shep has a great location, and pretty conveniently located just over the boarder, so next year's event with some forward planning should be great.
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I remember Gerame at Eritex red in the face pissed off that when we started there were only 3 or 4 guys showing up regularly....

Ummm, I don't remember seeing you at Cunningham or at the crawl ditch with Jay, Tom, Zach, and I back in '04-'05? Our first season as a club was this year, and it has gone pretty good"thumbsup"
Yeah, that's pretty weak that no Canadians would sign up and show their support, ehh. Makes you wonder what they were thinking, way to support the hobby fellas.
Ummm, I don't remember seeing you at Cunningham or at the crawl ditch with Jay, Tom, Zach, and I back in '04-'05? Our first season as a club was this year, and it has gone pretty good"thumbsup"

No I wasn't there for that first rant it was one of the ones just before we started the current club... sorry I know it's hard for you to remember which rant it was. :mrgreen: