nice job butters deans mini is so sick!
Nice video & music.. "thumbsup"
Looks like it was a nice day to be comp n..
Fingers crossed... hope this works. :twisted:
I couldn't embed the video like Vader but the link above should do the trick.
awsome"thumbsup",very nice,i got my reverse on:lmao:, that was a great day with great freinds,see you all at the next one...
awsome"thumbsup",very nice,i got my reverse on:lmao:, that was a great day with great freinds,see you all at the next one...
Looks good Darren"thumbsup" got some good footage .
Great video Darren, hope you continue to do it. Your driving even looked good. Haha
The new Build and what I am aiming for.
Nice job Matt! Bug body has always been my favorite.