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------ Team LERK Night/Day GTG------

Ok so for those who want to meet at my house be here by 7:30am and those who are closer to Waterford we'll meet at the auto parts store on the corner of F st and yosemite/hwy132, I think the auto parts store is called Chucks auto parts and lets say be there by 8:00am. For those who miss us or come later take hwy 132/ yosemite blvd toward la grange and then take a right when you see Lake rd and then your first right into rest area parking lot were we'll be"thumbsup"
Don't know if you guys seen or not but Team LERK had another poddium finish!

underdog75 took 1st in the ar60 class in the first ever Rock Riot, good job Lane


Went back and looked at the class and he had some damn good drivers he beat!

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Don't know if you guys seen or not but Team LERK had another poddium finish!

underdog75 took 1st in the ar60 class in the first ever Rock Riot, good job Lane


Went back and looked at the class and he had some damn good drivers he beat!


Awesome, great job Lane!"thumbsup"
Thank you guys so much for the props. It was a very fun event and even better to do well. It's very cool for you all to mention it. Thank you Donnie for getting me addicted.
Hey guys ne one who picked up those 4 link mounts from me the other week I was playing with mine today I found out I was binding with the link ends I fixed this 2 ways. The first one I broke out the dremel and rounded out the back of the mount. There's a Sharp edge that the link ends can bind up with. I did this for the ewar mount. My front mount i just ground down the link end. I'm pretty sure there's enough meat that still and it should be a problem figures is share this info with u guys. U can also shop around for some other link ends and see which work the best