Rock Crawler
i have vids from the mini comp as well i just need to upload them
Overland March 18th. Is anyone interested in going and running a 2.2 with me. I did the Rock Riot with my Wraith last weekend and had a blast. Donnie has my 1.9 torn apart for upgrades but if anyone has a 2.2 I would love to have a partner. If you plan on going but running your 1.9 let me know. I have plenty of room in my pickup.
Well if the comp on sunday gets cancelled i'm going to head out to turlock rd off hwy 132 to get some crawlin on. We'll see what happens with the comp first.
Do you mean lake rd off 132? Under the overpass
Yep your right Lake rd lol So since the overland challange got cancelled and i'm sure CVRC ain't going to happen i'm going to make a fun day of it with the scaler, comp rig and mini:shock:
Hi , my names Brandon , I just moved here to Sonora , new to the area
I have a creeper I crawl around , lots of cool places here to crawl , I have some 2' 3' 4' rocks in the back property . If anyone is close to the area, you can pm me or I'll check back in this thread,
Thanks :thumb: