I wanna be Dave
"Rubage"....good word
I'm going to use that one
I'm going to use that one
Killing me my rigs not done. Still think I'm going to come out and try to help "thumbsup"
Had a lot of fun tonight, thanks for putting up with a noob and my mistakes. I did learn a lot just by watching and talking to people. Quick question, what motor do you guys suggest going to? Right now I have the Novak 55T.
Had a lot of fun tonight, thanks for putting up with a noob and my mistakes. I did learn a lot just by watching and talking to people. Quick question, what motor do you guys suggest going to? Right now I have the Novak 55T.
Alright guy's it's time for a camping trip to Utica lake/ slick rock. Please guy's let me know what date for next month would be best and we'll try to figure out a date.
So just post here and at the end of the month we'll decide"thumbsup"
Just about any Thursday/Friday for me. :ror:
Well I am planning on going up on a Friday because most people aren't going to be up there till Saturday more than likely and I want to get us a good camping spot so i'll keep you posted when we have a date Dean"thumbsup"