Make things easy, I can go by my last name LOL, used to it anyways due to the military.
Ok guys Donnie and I talked about a gtg next weekend Sat Jul 6th @ 6pm. Get there when it starts cooling down a little and run a night gtg, it's been awhile. We were thinking about setting up one timed course that takes up most of the rock and maybe set up a couple traditional gate courses with SORRCA scoring. If you have bridges please bring them, they need to be 1.9 & 2.2 friendly. Timed course will be pretty simple with very minimal rules or penalties and maybe run a couple heats, fastest time will win. Let me know if you have any bridges not sure if Jason will be back in town next weekend.
yes thats itThis sounds interesting!! Any pics of the spot? I guess we are talking about Kohls next to Costco off 120 right?
I do my best as to what Team Lerk has taught me. Haven't been crawling for a long time. Been super busy at work and home. Everyone knows how that goes. So you guys are meeting up at Kohls this Saturday...hmm have to figure out how to get out then. Is this a 1.9 or 2.2 comp??
Thanks. This will have to hold me over until I can afford a hilux body.
Well after some backyard testing, I am going to have to run the Bronco body. I need to bob the front fenders of the C-10 a little bit more.