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------ Team LERK Night/Day GTG------

Ok guy's anyone down for a gtg with minis on saturday lets say around 4:00pm give or take and a little bbq:mrgreen:"thumbsup" Bring comp rigs too and if anyone has questions just hit me up.

If anyone can bring a little something for the bbq8)
I'm gonna be there, but I'll only be able to stay a little while. I'm throwing a 40th birthday party for my sister and we have dinner at 7:00 :roll: , but I will be there for some play time for sure. "thumbsup"
Hey guys im considering selling my Losi MRC Pro artr (just add radio system)

If anyone is interested, pm me.

I've also got a BIGBIRD styrene 4Runner hardbody with a few extra parts that I don't see myself building any time soon so if you're interested or need more info, let me know.

Due to some health related issues, I probably won't be out crawlin again for a while. 
Hey guys im considering selling my Losi MRC Pro artr (just add radio system)

If anyone is interested, pm me.

I've also got a BIGBIRD styrene 4Runner hardbody with a few extra parts that I don't see myself building any time soon so if you're interested or need more info, let me know.

Due to some health related issues, I probably won't be out crawlin again for a while. 

Sorry to hear that Rene, hope everything works out.
James I appreciate your concern. Im having shoulder surgery on my left arm on November 6th and I will be out of work for at least 6-8 weeks. After the last couple scaler events I've decided that I need to give it a rest for a while til I'm physically and mentally ready to hit the trails again. In the meantime, I'm going to try my hand at short course racing and 1/10 scale 2wd buggy racing as well. It's not nearly as physically demanding and still tons of fun.

That being said, I'd really like to get some of my crawler stuff sold pretty quickly so please lemme know if anyone is interested. Thanks guys!!!
James I appreciate your concern. Im having shoulder surgery on my left arm on November 6th and I will be out of work for at least 6-8 weeks. After the last couple scaler events I've decided that I need to give it a rest for a while til I'm physically and mentally ready to hit the trails again. In the meantime, I'm going to try my hand at short course racing and 1/10 scale 2wd buggy racing as well. It's not nearly as physically demanding and still tons of fun.

That being said, I'd really like to get some of my crawler stuff sold pretty quickly so please lemme know if anyone is interested. Thanks guys!!!

Sorry to hear about the shoulder surgery Rene, hope you have a speedy recovery and sorry to hear that your getting out of the crawling for awhile. Hope all is well with you and you get better soon.
Thanks Adam! I'm not out of the crawling world forever, just for a little bit til I get my upper body strength back. They're doing some serious work on my shoulder that's taking me off the scene for a while.
I'm keepIng all my scaler stuff but I figure that I probably won't use my mini as much as I had hoped so that's why it's FOR SALE.
I may be able to run at FunWorks after a couple weeks of recovery.

Let me know if you want that body back James, I really don't wanna get rid of it.

I'm hoping to also run at LSR in Sacramento... I'll run Sportsman buggy class and hopefully Sportsman 2wd SC
Hey guys, never got the time I thought I would have to run scaler so I might be selling my TF2 I built up and literally drove with you guy once for a few minutes in Manteca.

If any of you guys are interested, the photos are up earlier in this thread under my name and I live near the Manteca/Kohl's course. Don't feel like making a regular for sale thread just yet, figured I'd let some local threads know first.

Keeping the Bruiser for now, but Thinking about selling that guy too...