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------ Team LERK Night/Day GTG------

Thanks everyone for coming out it was a blast to crawl the new stuff and it was great to have everyone back out"thumbsup"

I'll have the scores posted soon but all I can say is way to go Spence you took the night for the minis;-)
Heres the scores from the bbq"thumbsup" Again great job Spence.

1. Suspencecrawler=-41
2. JRock=========-39
3. Donzx12=======-36
4. Gixxerstuntin====-6
5. Butters209======24
6. Jerrys800=======61
7. finishline========62
8. usslandlocked====72
9. Josephi=========79
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GTG at the LERK Compound on friday evening lets say 6:00 start and crawl till whenever.

Bring minis for sure and if we have enough time we'll run some 2.2 courses"thumbsup"

Anyone is welcome to come out and play and if you need directions just pm me.
Hey guys I hope y'all don't mind but I wanted to share a few pics of my C1 project...


My goal was to make it look as close to the real thing as possible...


What do you guys think???
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
So since you have the Border Patrol vehicle, I guess I need to build a van full of illegal Canadians:ror:.....nice rig I would go with the JK wheels to really set it off. Lights on top would be really cool too"thumbsup"
James, that'd be really cool if you built a Class 1 "LunchBox" style van full of illegal "Canadians"... Damn hosers eh?! LMAO!!!

I'm really considering those JK wheels just because they look "exactly" like the real truck.
And definitely gonna find a decent lightbar for the roof to set it off.
Also gotta get DORK VADER to build me a custom front bumper and a pair of sliders.
Okay fellas, the latest episode of South Park brings this whole "Butters" thing full circle. Check it out if you can, it'll crack you up!!! :lmao: Apparently Butters' anger comes from his "Native Hawaiian" side :twisted: :lmao: and the only way to fully calm Butters is drinking a Chi Chi (alcohol/vodka)!!! :lmao: Oh, by the way when / if JRock gets home on Friday :ror: , we're gonna do some mini courses for FUN for my birthday, (it's really on Saturday and I can't party down to the fullest cause CVRC is Sunday. :cry: ) :ror: So party Friday, "Get your Crown on"!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :shock:
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